What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Does it work on the Rolling Stones too?


Iā€™m sure youā€™re right Ryder. My PhoenixNet is still burning in so I guess I just want to eliminate cable variables during this up-and-down phase by using a good bog-standard 6a throughout.

Iā€™ll see how I feel in another month or so.


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Although it cannot affect the data at all, a poor cable can couple the ground planes of two devices and transfer noise via the shield to the other end, which can be an influencing factor on the analogue output stage.

Iā€™d sort of expect fancy network cables to have the most impact on less capable streamers. But ultimately, if people are happy with what they bought, what I think matters very little.

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Thanks but it wonā€™t happen.
Now the plans are for extreme trips around the worldā€¦

I was considering preloved Ekos Mk2 with Kore & Krystal. I can achieve that for less than the price of a new Arko :thinking:
Upgrading to a Kore will force the decision, as it is Arm manufacturer dependentā€¦:man_shrugging:t2:
There would also be some trade in value for the RB880 and perhaps existing sub chassisšŸ™‚

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Profile updatedšŸ˜‰

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Was that satisfying to do?

May I tactfully suggest you take another look :eyes:
Your first LP12 is missing the new L4. :wink:

Hope your enjoying this great upgradeā€¦
Very interested to know how your getting on with the L4, (when you have time to consider)

Best wishes

Oops, well spotted. (Deliberate test of coursešŸ˜‰)
Giving the newly Lingoā€™d LP12 a run now.
Rush, naturally. Two 40th Anniversary records. A Farewell to Kings to be followed by Hemispheres, of coursešŸ˜Ž


Final pieces of my jigsaw puzzle arrived and now in placeā€¦.

Epic Digital between Core and 222 - prefer direct connection to streaming from Core!
XLR between 222 & 250.
Plus Chord Signature Speaker Cable
Superb upturn in dynamics straight from cold and Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more to come.
Better amend my profile?


Okay, this is hurting my brain.
Itā€™s demonstrably better.
Cleaner, Fuller, Crisper/Sharper. The whole thing sounds more Robust, but with a precision that wasnā€™t there before.
It feels like it is better in ways that contradict each other.
I still find it so difficult to understand how a power supply can make so much difference. :man_shrugging:t2:
Definitely NOT complaining thoughā€¦:sunglasses:


Couldnā€™t resist sharing
Pic of my (original) Rush vinyl albums

And these on CD, (shown as ripped into a server).

Back in the 70ā€™s, definitely into progā€™ā€¦
As well as other musical tastes.

Best wishes

p.s. apologies for slight topic drift, which was to do with the tracks being used for testing ā€œa new bit of gear, bought in 2023ā€ :wink:


I know. Itā€™s mad, isnā€™t itā€¦

Motor and speed control is about maintaining a much more accurate speed. This precision controls ā€œpitchā€, which is probably one of the more important aspects of what any turntable does.

Help that helps.

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My originals collection on Vinyl will soon be complete. The only two I didnā€™t own are on their way.
1st US pressings of both Test for Echo and Counterparts. I will be so SO! happyšŸ˜Š

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Interesting that you went with Epic
Iā€™m curious, did you try a DC1 ?

Very interested to hear about your resultsā€¦

Yes that was my previous cable but I tried an old Chord Clearway I had - and found I preferred it - so ordered an Epic and its better in so many ways. The sound has really opened up to my ears. Actually read an old review about the nDAC and the reviewer (I think it was Malcolm Steward) felt the DC1 was holding it back and I have to agree.
I know to many Naim systems are best with Naim cables but I prefer the Chordā€™s!

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Just to add to the topic drift. Rush Archives was the first vinyl I ever bought. From W H Smithā€™s. :blush:


I remember thinking that exactly when I replaced my Valhalla with a Lingo 1. :grinning:


Useful to understand.
Thank for sharing :+1:

Happy listening with Core, new 222, et al.

Had to follow!


Which is?