What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Titanium herbies for my speakers. Solid oak floor floated on top of a suspended plank situation.


I just installed the same, yet brass version. Really happy with what they did with the sound quality :ok_hand:


Better than Naim Fraim Chips ?

Never compared them :slight_smile:

I see.

Ditto. I have a set under my quadraspire rack as well. They certainly allow for easy movement of equipment but in terms of what they add to musicality i’ll need some listening time to discern. A bit more punch, a tightly clenched fist if you will, to the bass drum which is seemingly having a positive impact on timing and clarity of the rest of the kit.

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Same experience here :+1:

What’s your next upgrade @Blackbird :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I believe I just crossed the finish line! :smile:


I know there are many skeptics out there regarding accessories and cables making fairly significant improvements to the sound of one’s system but I am a believer in the synergies a well balanced systems, including accessories, can make to the sound. I upgraded 3 months ago from an Ansuz X-TC Powerswitch, it’s really a network switch, to an Ansuz D3 Powerswitch. The X-TC is already more than many would pay for a network switch but the improvement it made was significant from a Netgear switch. The D3 upgrade from the X-TC was even more significant. The ability to stream from Quboz with a level of sound that at least rivals and in many cases out performs my Ruby CD/SACD is terrific. Streaming is now my preferred sourcing method not just because of ease of use but also sound quality. The D3 Powerswitch is in the lower right corner of the picture below. Don’t under estimate what network upgrades can do.


Telegartner plugs for Supra Cat8 STP ethernet Made by Me. Just because I’m curious :slight_smile:


They work really well and sound good to.

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Loving the rug. Ever notice how Persian rugs are the blue jeans of the carpet world? They go with absolutely anything.


Hi @JosquinDesPrez I have the opportunity to upgrade to Dynaudio Confidence C2 and will be picking up a pair tomorrow for a home trial. I will be using my Atom HE with a LSA Warp One power amp. Any thoughts on how this will work out? My wife wants to get rid of the two Dynaudio Sub 6 we have in our living. With the upgrade to the C2s I am hoping to make the subs redundant. Now I see you are using two REL subs. Because the C2s are lacking in the bass department? BR, Richard

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No, the the C2s are definitely not lacking in the bass department. Subs aren’t about more bass, they are about better bass. The two S/510s improve the great response the C2s already have. One of the big advantages of having a pair of subs in a two-channel music system is they improve soundstage and dimensionality of the presentation considerably. If I’m listening to something and turn the subs off much of the soundstage and ambient cues drop out, leaving the presentation rather more flat and less realistic.

I don’t know anything about the LSA Warp One power amp, but the C2 like being driven by a high current amp. They can be disappointing otherwise. I originally had a 250DR for my C2s but they really didn’t shine until I upgraded to the 300DR.

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Audio Technica AT-ART9xi for my Sondek. Terrific!

Gryphon Diablo 300 amp together with Gryphon Scorpio CD player. Amazing gear.


Will have also have these arriving sono joining the Nait50


It’s been a good day today…

Only been looking for original Naim 326/1 “straight through” link boards, for maybe 2or3 years now. These came in the post.

The last item, to bring our Olive NAC72 back to entirely original spec’.

Is there anything rarer than Naim 326/1 boards ???

Maybe yes…
Acquired these, which also arrived today.
So delighted to have found - new old stock - Epos ES14 tweeter units. Matched pair. To keep our wonderful ES14’s going, (in original condition), for a bit longer. :+1:

Feeling lucky.
Maybe I should immediately buy a Euro Lotto ticket :thinking:


I did think about those boards when they came up. Decided one pair was enough as only one pair required at the mo. Nice to see them though.