What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Using a Luxman 509x in my main system, thinking of going the NC222 and 250 and maybe adding the 300 down the road, but the power supply price is ridiculous. lol :wink: Just curious as some say (a few reviews say 222 has some noise), to me at that price should be dead quite, but love the Amp.

Adding the (remote) 300 power supply takes the 222ā€™s in-built transformer/power supply out of action, thus making the 222 quieter.

A dealer demo of the 222/250 with and without the 300 power supply clearly showed me the enhanced SQ the 300 delivers. The 222/250 is however no slouch and allows the addition of the 300 further down the line should it be considered of value.


The Himalaya, perchance?

NSC222, NAP250 and NPX300 are 3 boxes so I would expect it to outperform the Luxman L-509X. FWIW I own both Luxman L-590AXII and 282/HicapDR/250DR and the Luxman outperforms the Naim with Marten Duke 2 speakers showing higher levels of clarity, refinement and detail. I have yet to compare both amps with the Graham LS5/9 to see which one will sound better though.


Last purchase for me was an Eversolo DMP-A6.


Thanks for the honest opinion, much appreciated. But after 5 days with the Nova and doing more comparison test tonight, I am liking the sound better on the Nova. I think it is better than my 509x, sounds more 3 dimensional, detailed in a good way and I prefer it. I can get a very good trade in deal on both, so mulling it over for now. The markup on the power supply is insane! :wink: I find myself back in the black box cult following againā€¦ LOL


Love your room set up and system.
Itā€™s always a treat when you post in System Pics. (Or any other thread).

Can you say what the media unit is ?

Thanks in advance

Not a bad guess Jimā€¦ Annapurna Circuit :pinched_fingers:

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Iā€™ve been to the Himalayas 4 times - twice to Nepal.

Katmandu is a wonderful city.

You can spend days there wandering around.

And weeks and months in the mountains.


It is 3 months since I replaced my PMC 25.21i speakers with Spendor Classic 4/5 so I now feel ready to give my opinion to anybody who is interested.
They cost less than the PMC s although if you factor in the price of the dedicated stands they work out about the same.
I would not describe them as better but they are certainly different. I am still getting a huge amount of detail across a wide soundstage but it is being delivered in a more relaxed and laid back manner. I hesitate to use the word warmer but they are definitely more polite.
This would not suit everybody but to my aging and tinnitus affected ears I am enjoying the music more and feel I could listen for extended periods without fatigue.
The result is I cannot imagine changing them again.


They look great! Congratulations

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After a few days off and doing some mooching around places I came across this picture. And thought why not as itā€™s my favourite song from Elton .
Makes a change from buying hifi or records.


New plinth treat for Classic 301
Beautifully made.
Into Nait 50 and sounding great.


Havenā€™t actually bought them yet but I am thinking of changing my nc250 amp for the 350 monoblocks. My dealer will give me what I paid for the nc250. Was going to have the 300 power supply but after some consideration the 350 seem a better option. Any opinions will be appreciated, I wonā€™t take offence neither. Lol :joy: :joy: :+1:

Whatā€™s lacking that leaves you needing to make the NAP change?
One would expect the NAC332 to be at its best driven by an NPX300, whether itā€™s
been designed to perform optimally with a 200 Series NAP250 is another matter, no reason why it couldnā€™t but you would imagine the 300 Series was designed as a system, as was the 200 Series. It would be interesting to know how much overlap happened in the development of each Series, if indeed there was any at all.


I have had my Spendor Classic 3/1 speakers for just over a year and agree with you comment that they are easy to listen to for periods of time. I have found them to provide a good balance across the board.


With your source Iā€™d add a NPX300 first pr at least demo both at home.

I just added a 332/300 to my system. I thought Iā€™d try it without the 300 figuring it couldnā€™t be that big of a differenceā€¦

Boy, was I wrong.


Thank You Ratrat! The console I have my setup on is from a company called BDI but this particular unit is almost 20 years old now and discontinued.

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Thanks for explaining
Itā€™s a nice looking unit :+1:

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Teddy Pardo 15/4 power supply for my Chord TT2