What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Interesting - any pics of them in situ?

I have them sandwiched between my stands and speakers. Really nice upgrade but as you said, they may not work for everyone(which is surprising IME)

Will try and take some tomorrow in daylight - difficult to get shots at mo!

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Simon, interesting to see your post as I have been meaning to upload some pictures of my Isoacoustic pucks for some time. I originally bought them last month so I could use them under an Oppo blu-ray sited on top of my CDX2. This was to be a temporary arrangement, as I normally swopped the cd player out for the blu-ray , but didn’t want to keep disconnecting the burndy. However, the last time I decided to disconnect the Oppo my curiosity got the better of me. Yes, I tried them under the CDX2 and the difference was immediately apparent and the change in sound similar to your findings. They are amazing and add to the isolation platform I have that was also a recent acqusition. Highly recommended to anybody trying to improve isolation and sound quality.


Thanks for these posts Simon. I’m wondering about replacing the glass platforms on my system with these.

After 30 years wonderful service from my venerable Rega Planar 3, the new Vertere DG1S has settled in and is fixed to the room’s strongest point - the solid wall - and not its weakest - the increasingly creaky floor (dry weather for a few months…). Quite a quest to find a wall-mount that can take these large footprint TTs, my dealer found this one for me and its rock solid. We managed to get it positioned just above the 252 - a perfect LIMFAC that prevents further black box purchases for this stack! One of the 350s will have to sit on the floor by the left speaker - that’s if one may be granted the opportunity to buy them down under… For now, we are enjoying our record collection all over again. It’s a very nicely balanced sound with excellent detail and low end-heft. The other thing that struck me is how beautifully finished it is - I don’t feel that I bought the entry-level model,

even though I did.


Hi Richard, is the wooden paneling an audio or aesthetic solution or both? I’d be interested to hear more if audio related and the resulting effect. This is a style I’ve been looking at recently too.

That looks great, how did you decide on this rather than Rega Planar 10 which is probably close in pricing?

Excellent question Mike! My exceptional Naim dealer is now, like too many others here, an ex-Naim dealer and he now deals with Vertere although he also has an ‘in’ to Rega. So we got talking and I had also read the DG1S reviews and thought; it looks a bit different in a cool way (IMO), gets great reviews, importantly it has (really!!!) great timing and that balanced sound that my living space can be merciless about. Right now had I gone for the Planar I would have wanted the Naia which is additional funding I want to devote to an Amp makeover - when we are allowed. I hope that makes sense, cheers David


To my Naim CD5si I have now added Shawline din to din interconnect and a Shawline power cord

A discernible uplift


Hi JDP. Is that an upgraded pair of subs or are you going to be running 4 subs?!

Nice TT, with the Sabre cartridge too. These things are all relative, in the UK that’s a >> £4k combination, an excellent deck in most people’s eyes!

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Yeah, I’m talking about running a four-pack array of REL S/510. :slight_smile:


O help - I could not resist…
I have no (real use) for both but found this 2 pieces for a very good price in an astonishing condition.
The nait 1 is mint plus - have never seen such a old piece of naim in such condition (not one tiny scratch). All looks and feels like out of the factory yesterday.
The Tapedeck is an nostalgic buy - had this one in the 90s and loved it much - now… have no tape to test it. But looks like all is running perfect. Condition also mint.
Was a 3 min drive from home to get to those pieces :rofl:

Now I have 3 shoebox naits - only nait 50 in use. Other 2 (nait 1 and 2 CB …). Oh dear - I mutated to a collector :slight_smile:


It’s so easy…
Happy listening

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Sounding fantastic on the P8/Aria/Nova/Spendor A4s!


I thought my BX125E was in good condition for the late 80s but your’s wins the prize!

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But it is only half prize … it does not work. The output pot seems to be defect. First a bit scratchy on right channel - than dead on the right. Too bad. It is in marvelous condition!
Just found out today :frowning:

Perhaps a squirt of contact cleaner or contact lubricant will fix this…

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Nice Preamp !!! I’m currently burning in a Chord DAVE-direct into new ATC SCM100ASLT active speakers.

Early days, the sound is great, so are you saying the Ultima 3 Preamp. is a significant step up from a DAVE alone into a power amp (or active speakers) ?

I don’t really understand the output Voltage and impedance that are compatible with the ATC input XLR connector.

I “think” ATC actives don’t like very highly voltage and /or Input impedance loads into them ?