What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

“Just like best fuel in the world in a Trabant won’t be super exiting either” In point of fact, I have it on good authority that a Trabant can be super exciting if you add any old fuel and set fire to it in the Officers’ Mess garden. :astonished:


Would you get better sound by allicating that budget differently…I’m sure that you would.
If this is your thesis, you miss the point…it’s about priorities, not absolutes.

Of course. It’s about balancing the system with the room. No one thing is sacrosanct.

Having decided to stay with Naim Classic separates, I was looking for a pre-loved PS to my nDac and/or a Supercap DR. I came across a recently recapped Supercap first. Although there has been a lot of discussion on this Forum about the benefit of a supercap over a hicap to a nac 282, I experienced a nice uplift of the soundstage and much better bass, already a few hours after taking the unit out of the box, resulting in a long night of listening to music!


…and, I guess, taking into account future circumstances and planning.
I agree that taking into account the room is extraordinarily important. This became a stark reality to me when I became able to (seemingly) remove all room effects, rather than some of them and these to some effect only.

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Perfect result!

It’s true!! :joy:

One off the wee little beasts rel5x , small compared to some but they can produce some serious lows in the bass department , the other one is the same on the other side.
Still trying to find the optimal balance but getting there slowly but surely.


We have just moved to our new house and longer speakercables were needed. So changing from naca5 to Chord EpicX (5m).

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Thanks for the tip

Ordered a Hi Line as got a very good offer and is in transit and will be with me in a couple of days (Pics will be shared once I receive), I’m also getting a very good deal on Hi Cap DR brand new unopened from 2021 for around GBP 1,100/-, is it a good deal or should I go for 3 powerlines instead of Hi Cap DR. Which you guys think would be the better and bigger upgrade?

Easy question. Take the HiCap DR
Good luck…


IBL s finally installed along with NDX Rega P3 and Nait50


Uniti Atom HE due to arrive Friday, using via HT bypass into NAP200 and dedicated headphone amp for focal clear


Just arrived and warming up. First impression even from new with brand new cables is that the uplift is huge, more of everything. Anyone who says you don’t need a pre with an all digital set up is wrong (at least they are with Chord GEAR)


I’ve just had a Keel fitted to my LP12 by Peter at Cymbiosis. I saw my current stylus under the microscope and agreed it was time for a new one, so I now have an Audio Technica VMN60SLC with trigb fitted. Listened to a Tangerine Audio Evenstar and bought that, since it made a positive difference.

I’ve run out of superlatives to describe the improvements but suffice to say that Peter demonstrated each piece I bought and left me to decide. I decided to buy. I only buy if I can actually hear the difference.

I’m playing one of Mrs. G’s favourite records and she’s beaming all over and says she’s never heard it sound so good. Nuff said!

Many thanks to Peter for his no pressure demonstrations, expert fitting of parts and re-fettling of deck. Nothing is left to chance and the deck is a joy to own and play music on.


Audio Technica VMN60SLC cartridge with trigb.

Tangerine Audio Evenstar.


for me you just can’t beat the look of the classic range :+1:

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A Tascam HD-P2 digital recorder, a superb recorder!


Bought a Zazen II from Isoacoustics the other week - really made a difference under my turntable - so I’ve borrowed a couple of sets of these Orea’s and they’ve again made a real improvement- bass tightened up - soundstage expanded and better defined IMO - don’t think they’ll be going back! Highly recommended!
They may not work for everyone but they sure as heck are working for me under my 222 and 250 - will be getting another set for the 300 that’s for sure.


isoAcoustics makes great isolation products. I have the Gaia II for my speakers and a Delos platform for my turntable. However, now I plan to sell the Delos. My new turntable exceeds its weight limit for optimal isolation, so I ordered a HRS R3X platform to use instead. That should arrive anytime now.