What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Yeah after seeing the attached link. It seems to make a difference.

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Indeed, not one but two, guilty as charged m’lud. :joy:


No links to dealers here (or their Youtube channels). Thanks.

New Headshell and cartridge. Probably as far as I need to go on my modest Technics.


It is great as I have also bought and connected the HiLine a couple of days back however it is just a interim solution as I’m planning to get the NAC 332 in a few months to have a real upgrade. The SN3 has to be connected to the power socket as the HiCap DR only powers the Preamp section and the logic and other controls are powered by the SN3 power supply.

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Are they target stands ??? . they look like a pair I once had they weighed a ton but very very good I had AVI pro nine plus on them sounded sublime.

No, from Custom Design. Made from steel and filled with their inert filler, they do weigh a fair bit…

A RigBied 540ML is as far as I need to go on my not so modest LP12.


I find the Technics all respond very well to headshells are cartridges ajove their station. I found a lovely NOS Sumiko HS-12 headshell at a price not to be ignored to stick on mine and it was worth it.

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Vertere Pulse X mini. I tried them years ago and are so far my preferred speaker cables.


Its good to know that its an acceptable set up, as I am now likely to do it next year.
I had forgotten that the SN3 would need power for motorized volume & Balance, and the Headphone amp, mainly because I was thinking of it like the NDX2
Am I right that the cable to the NAP250 connects to AUX1 on the HiCap?
The Naim manuals are all very vague about this :rofl:

The Hicap doesn’t have an Aux 1 socket. Use socket 3.

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It says Socket-1 AUX output :thinking:

Yes, but it’s not called Aux 1. Anyway, socket 3 is the one to use.

So socket 3 no longer connects to the SN3?
Its very confusing

It will connect to the nap 250-3 via special adapter cables or to the SN3 with 4 pin Din if you are not using the nap 250-3.

OK Thank you for that information - It is still confusing without any clear explanation in either the SN3 or HiCap manuals - But if it works for you it should work for me

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Thanks for posting this,
It helps clarify things