What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Just ordered a Innuos Phoenix NET network switch on a trial - high hopes but we’ll see.


Give it a few days to warm up before making a judgement, the OCXO clock needs to stabilise.

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I will install it when the Ortofon are ready for retirement.


When I was reading up on them before purchase I could follow the logic of what REL were saying, but I couldn’t envisage what it would sound like. Have you had the chance to listen to this setup?

I also remember thinking four would be a less than ideal compromise compared to six. Unfortunately, while I might just possibly one day sell the idea to my wife of stacking two more subs on top of the existing ones, monster towers of three stacked subs in our living room are just never going to wash.

I have not heard the four-pack, but I have heard a six-pack of S/510 on numerous occasions overt the last years.

I had considered a pair of the 212/SX (the double driver ones) but my dealer suggested a four-pack array would be better. Four is not the optimal array, but it’s still better than two. They don’t even have the 212/SX on demo.

After a slight mishap with my Hana ML one of these arrived today. Hopefully fit it tomorrow.


Perhaps the 212/SX are just too niche.

I think they like the 212/SX better for HT systems, or when using only one sub. Using a stereo array of four (or six) S/510 is more tunable to get the best out of them for HiFi.

New pair of closed backs. ZMF Atrium Ltd Ash - Purple Burst.


Just installed and listening to Radio 3’s live concert. Serviced by Naim and it sounds wonderful even though it has only been switched on for 30 minutes. I loved my Nat03 but the Nat01 is the bee’s knees!


I’d like to take the credit for assembly, but my very good local hifi dealer did a home call out.


Supercap DR for my 282.


That’s a slippery slop to a 252 :grin:


I’ve just done the same… and more! :grin:

Photos to follow when my new rack appears…

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I noticed them below your speakers in your previous pics and was wondering about them. Good to hear that they work for you.

I have the same floor structure, though I replaced the carpet with 18.5mm wood flooring which definitely has helped. I have been thinking about trying some sort of stone type slabs but without spending too much, so this has encouraged me to try them! I do have cups but they’re not the Naim ones, I can’t remember what brand as I’ve had them for years.

Incidentally I put a set of small sorbothane pads between my speakers and the top plate of my speaker stands and they also made a noticeable improvement. I can’t remember how much they cost but it wasn’t very much, something like £10/12! Not all improvements need to cost an arm and a leg!

Thanks again for the heads up :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Martin,

Good to hear your thinking. I’ve thought of adding a second slab underneath with a layer of Sorbonne in between the two. I might try it yet. I’ve got bigger things I’m up to with my system at the moment!

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Adding another layer could work well and definitely worth experimenting with, especially for all the cost of it! Good luck with your tweaking!

I have also recently done the same and in my experience it was a worthwhile step forward to audio nirvana.

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I traded in my HiCap DR when NAIM discounted the pricing on the SuperCap DR last March and found it to be a wonderful upgrade!

Congratulation on the purchase and let us know your thoughts once you have it on your system for awhile.


AV Options AVO XLR-XLR Cable for the 332 to 250.3 arriving tomorrow