What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I can match my knobs!


Are they new? Even ‘ex-demo’ mine took about 15 albums to balance out. A touch constrained before that.

It’s quite an obvious opening-up ime.



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Congrats. Before moving to 100% Cans I used to have a pair of the older 25.22 and they were amazing speakers! Enjoy :+1:t2:

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Hey @nicnaim

What did you do?
Did you swap the Pulse Mini ?

I love trade in cables/‘second hand’;

My favorite had to be a Nordost biwire cable (back in the nineties), but the previous owner, muppet they were- had put a thumb tack through the speaker wire ‘tracts’; an ‘undamageable cable had actually been damaged’. -I returned it but sadly now had learned just what Nordost could do for my stereo rig. Sad day! (I wasn’t going to pay full price as much as I wanted to- uni life meant that it was right out of the fiscal equation towards ‘great sound’)

Two years ago I had the fortune of checking out the cable section in a hock shop I used to work in.

Thousands of dollars of cables (total) at $10 a piece.
Nice digital cables, nice subwoofer cables, and long and short cables of various brands (A lot of Tara Labs)… I didn’t have much coin on me at the time, and felt odd for requesting a layby on such parts.

A couple of months back… (last “cable purchase of the year” /also “first cable purchase of the year”!); a classifieds ad was up for a $15 dollar fibre optic cable- I couldn’t believe it- it was one of the best, if not THE best optical cable I had EVER SEEN.

It picks up so much light/light transmission is so good that I enjoy just letting it shine ambient light down its length. Nice metal plugs properly moulded into a nice fit/finish.
Built in the golden age of digital when Optical cables were something that had a reasonable ‘tiering’ in their sales tree, and ‘truly good ones’ due to scales of production, were ‘affordable’ (even more so for $15 dollars delivered.


How are you finding the EverSolo DMP-A8? A lot of chatter on this.

They are a few months old so hopefully broken in. I must say though that they were very cold when they arrived so left them unboxed for a few hrs to acclimatise before connecting them up, but they were still quite restrained and hard on first listening. After a further couple of hrs of not being used and the room also being much warmer I had another listen and they were very different, fast, dynamic and with good controlled bass. So far so good.


My 21is were brand new, whereas the demonstrators I borrowed were three years old and well used. It certainly took a good while for the new ones to open up and sound as good as the demonstrators. They are lovely once run in though.


I’m already hearing great things just now. Still early days of course but…

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How are you finding things in comparison with your ProAcs? Not to put you on the spot…

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The PMC’s are slightly faster, just as dynamic but have much more bottom end, very well controlled bottom end I may add.

Since I damaged and replaced my Hana ML cart with an AT ART9xa I felt my vinyl listening need a little help at the bottom end. The PMC seem to be delivering that.

The Proac’s may be slightly better at low volume listening, they brought fantastic intimacy.

As I say, early days. Only had them 12hrs :grinning:

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I found that the first three months they sounded better with the grilles on, knocking about 3db off the top end as they do. Once mellowed a bit, better with grilled off.


I found this too, at first. Definitely a running in issue. Mine sound lovely at low level now (300DR).


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Bought a pair of second-hand 1.5 metre Sean Jacobs - Custom HiFi Cables - Large Solid Silver power cables that came with some Synergistic Research Red fuses and upgraded IEC plugs and two ferrites per cable.


The Hugo TT died and I didn’t want to spend a ton of money.

I saw the Eversolo A8 and it could potentially replace, my NAS, HugoTT, Pulse Mini and the two Linear Power Supplies. Plus, it has ARC for the TV

30 day return policy so I figured I’d try it.


Is the Hugo TT not repairable?

I need to send it back to Chord. They think it’s more than a dead battery.

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So, with some fear and trepidation, I sought a blind test comparison of my NC 200 pair with and without an NPX-300, using speakers and cabling identical to my own………

And the outcome…… order placed for the NPX this afternoon.

That’s it, I mean it, no more :smirk:

But seriously, a true lightbulb moment, the NPX’s presence and/or absence immediately apparent ’behind the curtain’, and definitely not a Ho-hummer!

If your dealer can accommodate it, kudos (hah) to Jack and the team, I can thoroughly recommend the blind approach to clarify your thinking re any particular upgrade.



Okay :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ok, it’s non DR and needs a service but a cheeky bid on eBay and a generous counter offer relieved me of some cash. I think of it as an early Xmas pressie to myself.