What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I did try some DB1s in the past, liked them but didn’t get them. I’ve had GB1s and the original twenty.23 a good few years ago, so know I like their sound. The latest twenty5 i series does seem a good step up from previous iterations.

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I’ve been looking at routers, currently have VM hub 3 which works fine but not so well towards the back of the house. I would love something like the nighthawk but I’m currently looking at much more budget options.

It’s the RXE 300, which cost £350 but I wanted something powerful and up to date that could cover the whole house without having to resort to extenders, which I find really confusing. Eventually I hope to put it on top of the dresser out of the way. It’s nicer then the mega routers with lots of antennae, but it’s hardly beautiful.

£350 is a lot, but people spend that on a wire without batting an eyelid, and the router is at the centre of everything.


If you get a chance in the future I’d appreciate an update on how well it works for you. You do have a good point about the cost vs what I’d pay for other bits.

I’ll see how things go. What I want is something that just works. Both mesh systems I’ve had have had problems, hence looking for simplicity. Fingers crossed!


Thanks for that HH, I had missed your original posts on this. Glad to hear you’ve found a sound you find enjoyable. That’s all that matters in the end.

It’s a Tibrak™ :grimacing:

Nice job!


Routers really are super important. I’ve been very happy with Asus routers. Currently using RT-AX88U

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Thx a Lot for your post, really helpful in my never ending quest to reach the best sound for a reasonable investment quest :joy:

Had myself a 282/250.2 with Harbeth c7se3 + superline/supercap DR with rega rp10/Dv Xx2mk2 for more than 10 years, but was looking to get back to the root of the sound with less boxes

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2023; needing a power amp for an Anthem MRX720 setup (driving the extra speakers for a more full fledged Atmos setup/having a ‘better’ two channel setup ie a ladder DAC untouched by ARC reprocessing); went looking for power amps that would suit my need.

Short list was stuff by Parasound/Rotel and a couple of others were considered…
Then my local hifi shop, knowing their products intimately - informed me that their Naim range of integrateds’ had “AV Bypass” mode. (something I had dismissed by a simple internet inspection of their backplates)

I was stoked!
No brainer - they had an Nait 5si in stock.

Sold- says me!
somehow I managed to swing my ‘dream’ upgrade by talking further with the store owner- who empathized with my wish to own nice kit… (and knew my preference for the Nait XS line due to ‘upgradeability’ (eg power))
I had to wait a week for the Nait I wanted to be posted to me; well worth it!

It is the last purchase for the year (otherwise I would be buying the flatcap power unit); and- to be fair,… I will be paying for this one for a few more weeks yet.

Very happy with this component, even though technically it is many tiers of kit below what I was using… (but that will not fit in the motorhome, NOR can I afford the extra solar and battery setup to run my old amp (has a 1500VA power draw)!)

A beautiful wee lil Nait integrated, “7cm high” and a sound that is truly musical, is a gift that has made the end of year full of wonderment for me/‘my family’.

Now if I could just scrape enough dosk together for the Focal speaker package to install throughout the bus, then I’d be stress free with regards to my future hifi setup.

Love this forum, its the people…

Oh and supreme thanks to Dan and the team (Ethan, Aaron and Steve) for knowing their stuff and always being truly supportive- they have always treated me honestly and talked me OUT of more purchases than I have actually made with them over the years… they do this out of genuine interest to ensure I buy the parts that help build a system that I actually want; this is beyond TOP TIER CUSTOMER SERVICE; thankyou Addicted to Audio (Australia)


Saw your earlier post re Nest WiFi network and was tempted as I have other Nest devices which would have integrated well, however, was disconcerted by the cost, cable comment notwithstanding :grinning:.

I’m currently using a hybrid WiFi-hardwired solution based on Apple Time Capsule and AirPort Express as the extender but as Apple no longer produce any networking hardware, I always have an eye on possible replacement solutions.

Will be interesting to see how the NightHawk works out as it appears a powerful solution in a single device.


My solution was a mesh system using 2 Eero Pro 6’s (Aquired by Amazon) hardwired together for a 220 square meter (2350sqft) house.
After installation my SmartHome device commands connected faster with very few drop offs (if any). With 1 gig service, wifi is no less than 400 mbps anywhere in the house.

3m from the routers I’m at 600plus Wifi speeds.

I say use a tri band mesh system from a router company that updates their routers regularly, are stable, and are easy to use/configure with desktop & mobile apps.


For my 2nd system a Wiim Mini streamer connected by Toslink to a Topping D30 Dac.

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@Bobthebuilder how is the Wiim and Topping combination?

I’ll let you know when I get it set up.

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same previous use of apple wifi for years because the computers. A techy friend advised it was time to move it on
on a promotion i put a total of 4 TP-Link Deco M5 discs in - the ‘master’ is plugged into the main router and the wifi on that was switched off on that. master disc in office others in lounge upstairs and conservatory - covers garden too. Set up of all of it was about 45mins.

The end result is really good wifi ! streaks ahead of the apple products the only problem was with the 4 sonos products around the house. I needed to reset the whole sonos network and have one of them plugged into a disc

Valhalla Electronics Zeus External PSU for LP12.

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Best recent upgrade is new fridge and freezer to replace our 20+ year old ones. My 200wpc power amp (non Naim obvs) used to hum like a bastard when the white goods were rumbling away to maintain temperature. Now near silence maybe a burble. I know I should get a dedicated circuit but …


Jumping on the bandwagon after such favourable results for @HungryHalibut and @GraemeH, PMC Twenty5 21i’s arrived today. Initial impressions are very positive.


Atlas EOS Superior power cable. For use between the wall and my PS Audio PP3. Got it for a very good price as it was a trade-in.