What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I’m interested in your findings as well as they are on my short list of a possible speaker upgrade. Look fairly close to the front wall in the photo (coming from someone whose speakers are currently about 2.5m off the front wall :wink: ). What’s your room size?

The room is 6*8m. At the moment they’re about 350mm from the front wall. There is a little bit of blooming with some bass frequencies, so I’ll play a bit with positioning. They won’t come too much forward into the room, as there’s a sofa in the way (and it’s the one that my wife uses most, so that’s a non-negotiable :wink: ).

This afternoon I’ve toed them in slightly, and the stereo image is a lot clearer, with better detail. I’m only a small way into my music collection (mostly electronica, some German darkwave, so very loud industrial/metal (Godflesh and Tool), and Haydn’s Stabat Mater thrown in for good measure. The rock/metal end of the spectrum is definitely stronger than my SL2’s, and the same for the darkwave. It lacks a little lightness of touch/delicateness that the SL2’s have, but that could be just me getting used to the bass not being recessed as it is with my SL2.

Being a 4 ohm speaker, the volume dial is up higher than it normally would be with my SL2’s, but the 300 is still running cool without requiring the fan on.

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A few days ago, I ordered 2 Mu-sos QB 2 that will be combined with my Naim stereo. Unfortunately, I won’t receive them before the end of 2023. At least something nice to look forward to in 2024 :wink:


Just looking at the specs

As little as 6 inches from a a rear wall? I see in a corner too.
Just thinking about Fraim chips under the feet. If you haven’t already tried, I have some here if you would like to try. Not for sale and never will be but I’m happy to send them up for shisels and giggles.
Think you have my email. What $10
For postage? no bother old son🤙
Or are they even on spikes?

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Have to correct myself as I was able to - still in 2023 - squeeze in an Audioquest Hurricane which I inserted between the wall socket and the Niagara 1200. Monsoon moved to the power amplifier and NRG-X moved to the switch.

The sound is even more dynamic, dark and more of everything. Amazing what 1 meter of power cable can do. :astonished:

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Thanks - I’ve got a complement of chips here (and some Herbie’s sliders that I bought on a whim a few months back). I’ve put chips under the front claw, and will try them on the back legs as well - at present there are rubber balls there, which are good cushioning on the floors but don’t half make it tricky to move the speakers around.


Just received them! Now installing, but the configuration seems to take a VERY long time …

I bought a Luxman amp and preamp new off eBay from a Japanese seller. Took what I thought was a risk and it turned out great. I had earlier auditioned this pair and absolutely fell in love, but they were way out of my price range most unfortunately. They sounded so extremely musical! And the preamp, CL-38uC looks a little retro with a wood case all around and tone controls. The amp MQ-88uC is beautiful if you like tubes, and I definitely do. They marry beautifully to my Quad ESL-(3 electrostatic speakers and I just love them!


In a way my Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4004 turntable is new this year. I paid a small fortune late this year to have it completely refurbished to as close to “as new” as is possible, I had originally bought it new around 1980 and then set it aside about ten years ago when I bought a Rega RP40. But I really missed the Beogram 4004’s automatic operation and “sexy” appearance. It is on display at the MOMA as an example of exceptional industrial design and it really appealed to me. I also admire its tangential tracking arm. So I don’t know how much I’ll use it because I’m completely spoiled by my ability to stream, but I will now make an effort to play my vinyl. I have at least 1500 LPs.

I was inspired when I received word that Bang & Olufsen had done a world wide search for the Beogram 4000 series turntables. They completely tore about 85 of them down and brought them to “as new” condition and also added a few new features. They sold them all at $11,000 each!



I did similar with a couple of Tri-Band mesh routers (EeroPro) hardwired together.

Hardwired Speed

WiFi Speed from my phone.

Everything not mobile and can be hardwired is ethernet connected.
My service is now 1.5 GB per second but my routers max out at 1.0. I’ll change the routers about a year after WiFi 7 is released.

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I’m picking up some Fact 8s tomorrow :crossed_fingers:
Upgrade from Twenty.24.
I’ll post a picture tomorrow, just in time for 2023.


Enjoy :slightly_smiling_face:

Very nice, I too love this pair of Luxman! I looked at them for awhile, wanted them, but stayed with what I currently have. Enjoy, they are beauties and I am sure sound wonderful!

I’d considered the exact same power amp a few years ago to pair with a Luxman DAC as a two box system because the poweramp actually has a volume control if you only have one source.

I went more entry level Luxman in the end but I’m confident you’ll be delighted. I just got my tube amp back from Luxman this morning in fact. One tube went but they strongly recommend having all tubes replaced at the same time with stock that have been graded and matched by Luxman - they don’t advocate rolling your own at all.

And ? Any feedback to share from your hundreds listening session :joy:

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It’s a great looking thing, the Beogram 4000.

I still have one that I bought for £50 some years back. It stopped working though and has lived out in the barn for the last decade or more. One day I should dig it out and see whether I can get it going again.

Haha, not quite the hundreds of hours I’d hoped for, but enough for me to form an opinion.

Initial thoughts with anything new is always generally positive, and that was no different here. There’s a greater depth to the music, as you’d expect given the difference in their design compared to the ProAc’s.
After some hours I was thinking I was missing the intimacy the ProAc’s excel at, so brought them back into the system. At this point I questioned what I’d been missing wasn’t as big a difference as perceived. The PMC’s are back in and the ProAc’s have been sold.
The decision to sell the ProAc’s came very easily after a simple position change to the PMC’s, suddenly they became more vibrant, alive and delicate. The change was widening them with similar toe in, the angle is projecting behind my listening position.
I’m now very happy with the PMC’s. I’m genuinely shocked at times at how deep the bass is whilst also being open and delicate.


Did a bit of cable upgrading.


How many turntables do you have? :smiley:

I’m not entirely sure anymore.