What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

January I bought a new LP12 majik,Koil,lingo4 and last month a brand new nac282 and some audio quest water interconnects for between my phono stage and pre amp. Been a rather expensive year :wink: I hope to upgrade to a Supercap in 2024 though hahaha


Maybe have a look at Anthem…
I have a MRX740 4K that replaced a well used Denon AVC-A11SR.
More dynamic and its ARC Genesis calibration program is top notch !

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They don’t exist here. The AV market here is very small.

There’s one dealer in Tokyo (I’m not on the mainland), PDN, that imports them but no domestic servicing. Due to inevitable over 50% import cost inflations I won’t buy non domestic brands other than Naim or speakers.

But Anthem are definitely something I’d look at if I were Stateside.



I need something else like another hole in my head, but a 3-month old pair of Shahinian Larc(2’s?) became available at a price I could not pass up. I have missed my original Larcs that I had sold about 5years ago. Am happy to be re-acquainted again!


Those look interesting I’ve never seen speakers shaped like that.

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They are designed somewhat after Shahinian’s larger Arc speaker, Larc being short for “Little Arc”. They are a sort of semi Omni speaker, it can be placed in several different ways, each one giving a slightly different perspective on the music. Fun little speaker and plays very nicely with my Naim XS3/ND5XS2 system.


It seems quite tiring to have to lean over them to listen…:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


They certainly can seem to be an odd thing I am sure to many, no leaning here, just listening like any other speaker.


Not purchased (yet), but have these Totem Audio Element Metal V2’s home for a demo. They’re certainly sounding nice, although my wife isn’t so enamoured of how far they need to be into the room, or the black monolith aspect of them. We’ll see how that progresses over the next few days…


Just kidding of course :sweat_smile: Looks nice :+1:

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Always fun to try, but for my own part I thought they could be a bit too much in the treble sometimes, preferred Tribe Tower.

I’ve been very happy with my Larcs too. I bought them because I wanted something I could stick out of the way in a second system where they wouldn’t dominate the room. I was looking for something to replace my N-Sats, which my Atom just didn’t manage to drive well, and it seems to cope with the Larcs much better.


I was impressed with the Tribe Tower when I heard them, and was really interested to hear what the Element Metal’s brought to the party… The answer is more bass, and a bit more of a fuller sound. I’m not having any issues with treble in my room (and these speakers are probably less than 50 hours into their 300-hour recommended break in period)


Sure, could have something to do with the room and break in period, have only heard them at a Totem demo and there the presentation was a bit intense at the top.

4 to 5 pin hiline, preferred it to the lavender version
as it goes so much deeper.

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Looks like an exciting project, but, yes, they are big? If you don’t mind me asking are they from the dealer or the used pair that were on the private market?

If you find them too big, or they don’t meet family appeal, I really love my Forest Signatures - have you tried those?

Sennheiser HD 660S2’s

Edited because I needed a headphone stand.

Being delivered tomorrow. Made of Engineered Wood. A fancy term for plywood.


It’s the floor demo from RMC in Wellington - the private market ones were V1 (having been replaced by V2 by the owner).

A few more days listening still…

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Yeah, this year I had an electrician run a conduit from 1st to 2nd floor with a Cat6a cable. Now I have the NDX2 and Intel NUC running Roon hardwired to the ethernet (I have 1000 Gb Fiber connection). In addition, I also have my Wifi Mesh nodes (TP-Link Deco 6E) using ethernet backhaul.

Network performance is excellent. I work from home as a software engineer so I hit the internet hard all day running cloud builds and test suites.

All these tricksy networking gimmicks like ethernet over power lines, etc are just that. They add noise and don’t work as reliably as more mainstream solutions. Personally, I won’t do PoE though. It can add too much noise to the network. I prefer to keep them separate. But I also don’t have a Mesh node or router in my listening room.

Adding the proper networking setup is like adding a dedicated mains. It can help quite a lot, but needs to be done correctly.