What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Smooth! Can’t say much more as it has only been plugged in for a couple of hours. Will report back after more listening

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I have the stylus cleaner, but not the brush. I’m curious about how the brush works out. It’s not readily available here in the states.

Posted in the system pics, but might as well here as well! 250 DR and two Powerlines to go with my new to me ex-dem 282.


I could never have a turntable sitting that low. Not with my 90 lbs. Rottweiler sporting a full tail.


Thumbs up on keeping the tail! I have a 40ish pound mutt and she does make it a bit stressful when she barks at people walking their dogs or jogging by the house while standing over the hifi. And I wipe the dog saliva drops off the top level every week or so.

Should have a couple new shelves in a few weeks to get it up a little more. But still. Kinda scary.

My dealer uses this brush in his own system at home, he thinks it’s the best record brush on the market and I’m inclined to agree. First you remove dust on the record by tilting the brush with the specially made velvet pads and then you hold the brush completely straight and let the vinyl spin one or two more revolutions and the two-row integrated carbon fibers remove all static electricity. Works perfectly.

Our Rottie is a stray rescue, but even if we had gone to a breeder we would insist on no docking. We’ll never use a breeder though. We always rescue, so we get whatever adopts us.

My turntable sits on top of the fourth level of my frame, just out of reach of slobber and tail.


I have a brush like that, but a different brand. It’s a bit too fussy for me, but I have a ultrasonic cleaner, and am meticulous about keeping my stylus clean.

Thanks for getting back with that information.

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What brand do you have? Have tried Degritter myself and it is excellent. Unfortunately, it is quite expensive.

Mine is even more costly. I have an Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner Pro. I also have the Kirmuss, which is pretty fussy to use, but works great if I need a deep clean (e.g. used records that need it).

With 4000+ LPs the Audio Desk was a justifiable purchase for me.

New power cables for the KEF LS50W II’s. Out of the box difference (for the better) is immediately obvious compared to the cheap 18ga Volex they came with. These are bought on Amazon 14ga hospital grade (once known as Jellyfish I guess, when they were branded). Too bad about the audiophile price of $15 each!

I’ve been a bit ho hum about the sound of these KEF’s (really loving the functionality though) but now I’m digging it. Love those cheap upgrades - just didn’t want to go there with pricey audiophile cables, plus the speakers wouldn’t take kindly to fitting big fat snakes. Just too bad they don’t come in all white, lol. I also have iFi AC iPurifiers in each socket, obviously, which clean up the sound, subtly, and peace of mind if there’s a surge. Next stop: better outlets perhaps…

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Yes a friend of mine has a red AudioDesk Vinyl Cleaner PRO. It and Degritter can probably be counted as the most easy-to-use and efficient ultrasonic record cleaners on the market. I understand if it’s justified for you, considering your large vinyl collection, for my own part, I only have a couple of hundred records and besides, my actual track is streamed music, so I’ll probably settle for a brush and a pickup cleaner. If necessary, I can always clean the records by hand.

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Yeah, I agree that if you just have a few hundred records spending the money for a nice ultrasonic cleaner can be a bitter pill to swallow. Maybe one of the vacuum record cleaning machines will do as an alternative.

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I usually bring a stack of records with me when I visit my dealer, he has a Degritter set up for regulars to use when needed. But who knows, maybe in the future…

I have to have one at home. I am religious about keeping my records and stylus clean. One can increase the life of a cartridge very significantly by keeping both pristine, and I have a very expensive cartridge. A rebuild of my cartridge is a lot more costly then my cleaner.



Thank you for pointing this out. It’s exciting that a big improvement is possible even with an inexpensive medical power cable. The standard power cords that come with the devices are usually very poor. I use Vovox excelus power cords, which also immediately brought great audible improvements. The IFI Purifier brought less improvement in my system. I guess it depends on the local circumstances. I have sold my Purifier again.


Whatever the merits (or not) of its’ looks, my Mana stack underneath my Linn presents the turntable at a gentlemanly height :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ll probably end up making some better ones at some point, issue is making sure the iec end can get through the stand cavity. Tibia’s with a Furutech plug work well and what I use in the office system. After trade in only paid about $900 for the ‘scratch and dent’ speakers themselves (stands were almost $500 new) so only makes sense to go cheap with tweaks. Those Vovox look like good cables, but would break the bank.

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