What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Mine is well out of tail range.


He’s a good looking dog. Am not a dog owner but nice to see a Rottie with a tail. Same with Boxers; I like to see them with tails


Question for those that use the ultrasonic stylus cleaner, I believe you apply some cleaning fluid first? Is there any concern about the fluid dissolving the glue on the cantilever, like why they say not to use stylus cleaning fluid?

It depends on the cartridge. You should ask your dealer. What cartridge do you have?

I have used a US stylus cleaner on Clearaudio, Dynavector and now Lyra. However, I use it very sparingly, Just for 10 secs after about every 50 hrs of use. If you keep your stylus clean with a proper brush you shouldn’t need US cleaning more often.

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Currently using a Hana ML. I only play cleaned records (& the majority of my records are new purchases), I try to be pretty meticulous about keeping things clean.

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Said it before, I’ll say it again—best thing I’ve used to clean a stylus is a small cube of Magic Eraser. Least expensive, most effective daily cleaner.

I have used Magic Eraser in the past, but I stopped because when you use it, those little bits break off into miniscule pieces and I have concerns about them finding their way into the inner works of my cartridge.

Not to mention, with a $13k cartridge I am going to stick to what’s blessed by Lyra. They don’t say the Flux is OK, but Joe Harley, who was at AudioQuest (the former Lyra US agent) for many years told me he uses it on his Lyra Atlas. 10 secs of cleaning for about every 50-100 hrs of use.

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Haven’t had that experience using magic eraser, but going with the manufacturer’s recommendation is adviseable!

Rega Planar 1. Simple, fuss free, good sounding and cheap TT.


If you use a Magic Eraser it most certainly loses little bits of it. That’s why they wear down after a while. How do you know dust from it isn’t finding its way into the cartridge body? I stopped using them about five years ago. I started wondering where the remains went as it wore down.

I’m not telling you to not use it, but maybe reconsider your strong recommendations for it.


Used it for years and years with not a single problem! I don’t share your concern.

Back on topic—when I got my 555 and PSs they didn’t have boxes, so for piece of mind, I ordered 3 boxes a few weeks ago. A bit pricey but worth it in the long run.

Chord Sarum Super Aray Jumpers for my speakers. Even though I’m a sceptic. But if you don’t try you don’t know.


Just took delivery of a 200m drum of this.

Dali Connect installation cable for the ATMOS system.


Fully agree here. I have had flux cleaner in the past but since I got an Ekstatik a year ago the only thing that goes anywhere near that stylus is green paper every once in a while. No liquids. No vibrating pads. No gels. Nothing. It’s too risky.

But all my LPs are cleaned with Degritter so there’s no detritus to pick up in the first place. I used to obsess over cleaning my stylus. Not any longer.

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You raised a very interesting question that I hadn’t thought of myself. Can the glue dissolve? That doesn’t sound good at all. Have a Hana ML myself but I have no information if these are vulnerable? :thinking:

A practically new chord poly (v3) for my mojo…let’s hope it’s not as frustrating to set up as some reviews of early one seem to say

Just got a Nakamichi CA-5 II pre-amp (for its excellent phono stage) and a second Cyrus 8 power amp (I already had one), so the Nak is running through two power amps, each in mono mode.

More pics in System Pics 2023.


Just changed speakers after living with the brilliant & fun Naim Ariva for about 15 years…

Now, enter the Graham Audio LS5/9f! very pleased indeed!


Hadn’t heard of green paper before, did a quick Google to see what it was. Looks interesting but after reading a couple descriptions looks like it’s not recommended for my cartridge being a microline as it could potentially damage it.

On the fluid issue, have no idea if it’s a real concern or just something that has been overblown online. I did use to use it & didn’t seem to have any problems but after reading it may cause issues I stopped. I then started to use the onzow cleaner but then there was talk that that wasn’t a good idea either, you just can’t win lol

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