What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Very nice. I’m rather fond of mine. Although I haven’t upgraded the platter. I like watching the spinning weights. I did though add an Origin Live Illustrious tone arm which is very good.

Yes, tonearm and phono stage are the two things I’ve got to start slowly saving for.

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Back in late December 2022 I ordered Witchat N2 jumper cables…

Today they have arrived, delayed due to componant supply issue.

Looking forward to hearing if they make a difference.

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When I saw that the limited 1200mk7s were back in stock nearby I couldn’t resist and picked up a blue one for the digital system (I wouldn’t use this as a main vinyl system). Fitted a VM95SH to it and it took me 40min from placing the box in the living room and having it up and running.

It’s a joy to use despite the slightly flimsy feel vs. my memory of older mk2s. Sounds pretty decent too.


I wonder if that lid was the inspiration for Naim’s New Classics.


It has definitely been around for longer…

In case helpful for anyone, that’s a decksaver cover. I wanted something sturdier than the stock item.

One of these:

Unfortunately I didn’t bother measuring the shelf it was going to go on. So it’s perched on the window sill at the moment. New shelf on order.

Interesting chat with my dealer about the New Classic stuff and power supplies etc when I picked it up. Trying to work out where the new power supply fits within XPS2 and the 555.


My first ever MC cart.


Second hand Russ Andrews 500 cable, purchased for less than half the RRP from eBay.

Been using it on my Innuos Zenith server/streamer for a few days now, very happy with the improvements.

Already have 2, which I use on my active LS50’s, so had an idea of what to expect.


Chord DAVE. I’m impressed, very impressed.


500 non DR just in and next week a Chord Sarum T DIN-DIN joins the party. Totally amazed by this box of beauty and the emotions it creates :green_heart: :black_heart:


Tis something special

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Very nice, NO ENVY here😏
I will never get to a 500, enjoy yours😊

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Should have got the NC 250, apparently it’s better than a 300, so close to the 500 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Wait another year. I distinctly remember emphatic claims of the 272 wiping the floor with an NDX/282/HCdr when it first came out. Anyone that suspected otherwise was “in denial” apparantly. That didn’t last. New Naim releases are like volcanic eruptions - it takes a year for the dust to settle.


Does that make the Nait2 a Krakatoa? :wink:

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Have no comments in better or not but it’s also quite a lot more expensive than a used 300DR. In the area as much as between a used 250DR and 300 DR which is a great upgrade :blush: You could also get a used 500 non DR for about same cost as a new 250.


New 250 is more expensive than current ex dem 300 as well. A certain retail chain from a town in Kent has some real ex display bargains at the moment

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I think it would be a huge shame if the 250 becomes the entry level power amp available from Naim. There used to be 3 other power amps below it. We all know the 300 series is around the corner but I live in hope for more modest separates on offer too and not purely integrated amps and Uniti.

A 100 series to bridge that gap would be lovely. I’mnot placing bets though.


The new 300 will be of course better than the Statement monos :joy: