What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Just arrived this morning…Focal Elegia headphones. Have listened to them for about an hour so far with my iFi Hip-dac and iPhone and so far so good……impressive sense of space and detail. Looking forward to giving them a “proper” listen over the weekend



Having followed “Impasse”, my first thought, referencing actors and film stars, was no, it’s singers, but Britney Spears or Richard Thompson?


Ray Charles.

The Apple Music streaming is possible because the Eversolo uses a customized version of android that has a few apps authorized to work, an Apple Music native app is available and really works as a native app.

Some screenshots of the apps available below.

I have opted to keep the Eversolo to use it with my home cinema setup as a Roon endpoint because it has the advantage of supporting my denon integrated dacs up to dsd256 by usb.

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Congratulations for your 7th. I love the n-sats too.

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Today I turned 65, and my wife encouraged me to order something very special (and expensive) for myself. Stay tuned. It will be here late next week. :slight_smile:



The Seventh Deadly Sin


I must seem very silly… but I love them.


A very happy birthday! :cake: :champagne:


Wattson Emerson Analog DAC/streamer purchased last week as a source for my Nait 50.

Same photo used on Nait 50 topics.


Happy birthday!

My partner is quite happy for me to get stuff I like (indeed encourages me at times, when I get a bit windy about a purchase).

I have had a guess as to what it might be. We will see if I am right :grinning:

I contrast this with the poor bloke who was told in no uncertain terms that he was not having some corduroy trousers.

For UK readers, yes, we were in Marks and Spencer IIRC

Thank you. I did some research after posting that and came to that same conclusion.

It seems like a nice device.


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A small burnin is recommended, two days playing uninterrupted to some harshness and a little more refinement appear.

MCRU/LDA LPS’s for the HugoTT and Pulsemini.



I have a MCRU LPS for my Clearaudio Ovation (replacing a wall wart), and for even the extra cost to ship to the U.S. it’s pretty big bang for the buck. They do a nice job.

It’s added a lot to the Pulsemini.

I purchased one for the HugoTT to get rid of the wall wart as it was too short to plug in anywhere except the power block. Surprisingly it’s a subtle up lift as well.

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I was looking for a 2th system for several places in the house.

First i was looking for a tableradio. They all sounded awful.

Then i was looking for a small all in one with cheap speakers. They all were not what i was looking for…

I listened then to the Bluesound Pulse speaker. Although it have many nice functions, it sounded not good enough.

Then i listend to the Muso QB2…
I immediately heard what I kept missing…the naim sound as my 1th system. Well, the little box immediately went home.

Now after a few days, the QB2 has been in different places in the house. I like it very much…as my wife does. She liked the design very much as well.


In the beginning of the month I acquired a Mu-so 2 without ever listening to one, and I was very impressed by it, maybe by Christmas I also go to an additional QB2, the way a see it, it must be close to the Mu-so 2, in that case is a win.


I have both Mus-so2 and Qb2. The Mu-so 2 is significantly better. The Qb2 just doesn’t have the bass and doesn’t fill a room like the Mu-so2 does. I have used both for the bedroom TV and both outside on our deck. The latter is where the differences are really noticeable.

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