What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I’ve never really considered the Mu-So, but I’ve just been reading about the new Mu-So 2 and it is definitely going to be demoed for the bedroom when we do it next year.
What a brilliant piece of kit, at least on paper… :thinking:

Sure the Muso 2 is better then the QB2. But my goal was somesort of portability and the QB2 fits very fine for that.

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Yeah, the Qb2 will be useful to take with us when we travel by car.

After following your journey the last few years this purchase doesn’t come as a surprise. There are some things so close to ones soul that one keeps returning to them. For you its N-Sats, for me Bow ZZ electronics. Enjoy!

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My last bit of gear was an ARO with its accessories (LP12/maple plinth, ARO Kore, Karousel, Krystal, and Lingo 4).


So was it just the “Aro” that was purchased recently or the whole deck :man_shrugging:t4: :thinking:

ARO came first, then the whole deck. :sweat:


Have purchased Focal Sopra 2s, 52 and 3 powerlines in last month. Sounding pretty damned good.


252 too? :blush:

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Well called in to see my “local” dealer friend yesterday & picked up my Nait 50 - as I’ve had to actually grace work with my presence today it’s still in its box waiting till morning when I’m in my office - hope that makes sense? Also got these to play with plus some dare I say this different cables to try! Chord Epic power cables and speaker cable so they’ve been bedding in for a little while b4 my evening session….

ProAc DB1….


Went for 52 in the end. Getting it serviced along with XPS2 and Supercap 2.


Edited it. Maybe I want a 252 as well :rofl:

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I have had DB1’s since 2019 as well as other similar small ProAcs since 1990, so I suppose you could say that I am a bit of a fan.

Very easy to listen to for long periods &, to my ears, possessing plentiful bass for a smaller space.

Will be interested in what you think of them.

PS. I cannot hear any difference whether the speaker grills are on or off so I keep mine on as I think they look better. It also maintains domestic harmony!

Planning on collecting a used pair of Tannoy Turnberry GR coming days if the flooding allows me to travel. Crazy shi**y weather around here in Sweden this summer. Global heat success…


Your dog looks less than impressed :grin:


Not my picture or dog so hopefully the dog had a bad day or didn’t get paid well enough for the photo session :smile:

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Hey Dan, if you have the energy, you could mount your centre speaker on a floating IKEA shelf and lower the tv onto the unit. Hiding the cables with some wall matching conduit. I’m glad I did it. Just a thought. Here’s how mine looks to give you an idea.


Some nice custom Mogami / Canare 3m long RCA cables for my active system on TV duties.


These look like some serious speakers.


I see a lot of Turnberrys round my way. Which isn’t surprising as they distributed by TEAC here and paired with their Esoteric brand often.

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