What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I’d be interested to know if anyone has tried out the headphone socket on the new Nait 50.

If so, which headphones, and how good is the sound? (I’m interested in buying a pair of 'phones just to use with this little amp.).

I already have STAX earspeakers (as STAX call them!) in my main system, but I’d like to get a new pair just to use with this little beauty. (Stupidly in retrospect, I gave away a great pair of SONY headphones - which are no longer made - a few years ago, which would have been perfect.)

The headphone amp should be great as it’s the same components as the Atom headphone edition

Nice !

A M40.3 is it Sean ? May I ask what size room you have them in and what you drive them with ?


Finally got access to a home trial on the Puritan 156 including their Ultimate mains cord :+1: Loads of good stuff written on this one.



Because there’s more dirty noise on the grid than ever these days (SMPS, electric car chargers, sun panels, heat pumps, fridge, air condition and on and on). I’ve read that naim clean their incoming mains too but that’s a different scale and solution of course (if true). We’ll see if any improvements can be heard but IMO naim is super picky on quality of the mains.

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Though the general finding seems to be that purifiers make things worse. With a well implemented dedicated mains, they shouldn’t be necessary, unless you have exceptional mains problems.

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Interesting👍Let us know your findings.

Atlas Eos 4.0 EM Power Distribution Block (No Filters)
Atlas Eos 4.0 EM Power Cable
English Electric 8 Switch (just used for Streamer)
Chord C-Stream 3M cable (To NDX2)

Latest purchases. Hoping that’s it, at least for a while :wink: . Mostly selected due to its physical size, star wired and no filters. Only just fitted, and sounds great already.

I particularly liked the solid connection of plugging in the IEC and plugs into the block - felt very secure and well made


Yes, that’s the old truth anyway, let’s see if it holds true in this case HH.

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I cannot get around having noisy products on the grid because they need to share the 3 phases or the system will be unbalanced and fuses will blow weekly. For example when I charge my EV car the induction stove change the pitch of the sound. Over tones all over the grid. Or when the heat pump on the winter work hard my transformers buzz even with a DC blocker in place. Most things are still connected to each other only that you move the connection point and might pass few of those that were most close to the naim system.

I’m open minded so I’ll use my ears and trust them and a trial is FOC :slight_smile:

If you google “audiobtq puritan 156” and go to the NL page on one of the links you will find a great portrait mode video with the founder explaining in detail what this is about.


In my experience, a very good quality unfiltered block.

A separate mains is a separate benefit and does not take away the need for a good mains block but this version looks (and sounded) a bit “too filtered” to me. I also am sceptical when I see relatively anaemic tiny complicated wiring inside? I thought it was definitely better than the AQ 1200 but I still did not get on with either of these.
Puritan does offer an unfiltered version that takes away some unwanted interference and sounds good, interesting to hear your feedback.

Hi @Seacat77,

My room is approx. 24 ft x 16 ft with a very high ceiling (typical American living room).

I used to have:

Linn LP12/Ekos 2/Kandid/Lingo 4 → Lejonklou Entity → Linn Klimax DSM/3 → NAC 552 → NAP 500 (non-DR) → Harbeth 4.2

And recently I’ve changed to:
Linn LP12/Ekos 2/Kandid/Lingo 4 → Lejonklou Entity → Linn Klimax DSM/3 → Lejonklou Sagatun Mono → Lejonklou Tundra Mono → Harbeth 4.2.

The Link streamer is really a good streamer/DAC and I am thinking of changing to the Linn 360 speakers (maybe go active as well).

As you can see, my Naim Fraim racks are designed for the NAP 500 + NAP 500 PS.

An afternoon with Tony & Graham at Basically Sound resulted in a MuSo 2 for the bedroom, finally removing the Sonos One pair once and for all.
Hopefully this will see the end of our frustrating bedtime tunes issues :crossed_fingers:t3:


I think the Muso is a stunning piece of kit. It was definitely the Naim gateway drug for me! I currently use it in my living room (about 24 foot by 14 foot with high ceilings) and to me it sounds great - punches way above its weight.


Hello Graham, I’ve just tried the headphone socket on the Nait 50 compared to the headphone amp inside the Linn Akurate DSM via a Grado PS500e. I cannot tell which one I prefer. I can hear more details and better instruments separation from the the Nait 50 but more refined and coherence from the Akurate DSM. It may be because of the Nait 50 early day.


You can chose the “quietest” phase to connect your dedicated spur. You still have the advantage of only sharing with about a 1/3 of other appliances, rather than all of them. If necessary, you can ask a sparkie to re-balance the phases. Mine is shared with the garage with electric doors, noisy lights, washer/dryer etc but none of that is on when I’m listening so it’s about as quiet as it can be.

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This is important. I have rebalanced our 3 phase supply and ensured the main hifi feed is not on the same phase as kitchen equipment, particularly the refrigerators and freezer.

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That’s very useful. I had completely forgotten about Grado headphones. I used to have a lovely pair before I switched to STAX many years ago. I shall investigate.

Thank you so much

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