What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

You’re most welcome.

2 x Ifi iPower X.
0ne for the EE 8 switch. A noticeable improvement.
The other was intended for my BT router but none of the adapters fitted, so i tried it in my phone amp as fortunately its the same voltage, a really great improvement so it will stay there for now.


Would it not be better still without running noisy LEDs and drivers…or maybe that’s the improvement :thinking::wink:

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No need to panic! All iFi power supplies have a ferrite clamped onto the output cable to filter out the EMI that they don’t produce :woozy_face:




Thank you for reminding my why l love forums :wink: an LED supplied with a clean DC supply is not noisy. Its a diode, you know like you get in rectifiers…:grin:

Another little DAC an iFi GO Link. I’ve already got an iFi Hip-DAC which sounds incredible but is a little bulky to be truly mobile. The GO is perfect to have when I’m out and about. The sound isn’t quite up with the Hip-DAC but it’s not far off.


Kudos Titan 505 in liquid amber. Replaced my Sonus Faber Liuto towers.

Incredible, but you would expect as much considering they’re paired with a NAP 300DR which is what they were designed with.

I must say the sound went from good (auditioned with dealer’s stands), to great (using the matching stands) to really great (moving them further back into the room and firing them directly ahead) to incredible.

Why the big leap in quality for the last change? These are demo units and so I figured they had been fully run-in, but they’re only a few months old and considering the dramatic uptick in quality (wide open sound, detail, incredible bass that is tight and locked down and most importantly, a cohesive overall presentation that just sounds right) I’m guessing they only had 25 hours on them or less.

Kudos weren’t kidding when they said these need 100 hours + to open up!

Now to decide if I should replace my venerable (but great) Chord Co. Epic Reference speaker cable with KS-1…


They are stunning looking speakers. I love the look of the Kudos Titans in general, but those 505s with that finish are next level. Kudos (ahem).


Denon DRM-700 cassette deck. Been looking out for a Nak for over a year now so bought this to tide me over. Not a bad deck, and it seems my tapes are in good nick so far. Lots of fun for practically no investment.


Top notch music, whatever the Denon sounds like? :blush:
However, surely it will be good :+1:

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The music as you said is great. However, bearing in mind that I used my fathers Sony turntable, Lafayette amp and Onkyo speakers as a recording source back in the seventies, into my cheap portable cassette player, the sound is fairly impressive.

Next to my LP12 and CDS2, it sounds dull, but it is tremendous fun.

I’m also impressed that the tapes I made in the seventies still play at all.


Items were still built to last then……except for British Leyland Austin Allegro’s :blush:


Saw this raise a bit of debate recently and decided to get one, as my freebie from Spincare is a bit Cr@p and my wonderful old Path brush can only be in one room at a time🙂

Those 505s look lovely.

Some retailers have loan sets of KS-1, which you can borrow and see if you like them before parting with the cash. I tried them, but found they sucked the life out of the music. YMMV.

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Just need a new streamer or streamer/DAC to replace the Atom. Currently using my Mojo2/Poly :thinking:


T505 with 300DR here too. The KS-1 is sublime with them, from amplifier to drivers.

Your finish is very nice.



Hi @GraemeH
How is life with the Phoenix going? Are you still using the Cisco, in front of it? Have you tried with just the Phoenix in situ?
I have tried today to match your trade-in deal you got. Not even close, you struck gold when you got that offer. :blush::+1::+1::+1:

Still using the Cisco as recommended by the dealer. It was a straight up no quibbles offer from the dealer after I asked about a used one they had for sale. It turned out they’d just sold it…for more than I paid!

Lucky timing I guess.


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If you haven’t heard it, you are merely repeating rumours.

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