What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Did you have a ‘blimey’ moment? I know I did. Several.


Likewise. The step up from 250 DR to 300 was a really nice one. Even before I had the DR upgrade


Very first track I played elicited a definite blimey / wide grin (although not easy to do both simultaneously).

It’s been warming up playing radio this afternoon. I expect more blimeys this evening.


Have fun and enjoy your music! :ok_hand:

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My upgrade from 250DR to 300DR was quite the jaw-dropping moment from power-on. It is rather a different beast.


Well all I can say is wow
They have been going 3 weeks now and these speakers are getting so good (to my ears ) . I must admit at one point I thought these are getting worse with the top end sting (zing) but have now settled in nicely cymbals sound like cymbals and tambourines sound amazing.
The mids are to die for voicing is amazing even over the radio from my phone vie Bluetooth .
The bass is nice and tight and still there even at low volume in fact at low volume they are very very good .
All in all I’m a very happy person with them can you tell
Ps they are not a transmission line as thought. but each speaker has its own space , enclosure ,and some tuning via damping and bits and bobs , Alan won’t say exactly what and I don’t blame him but hey it works very well


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I finally picked up my Nagra Classic amp. Had to set it up on granite slabs for now, due to lack of cable lengths. Two boxes sounding delicious!


Oh yeah, also bought new speaker cables with spade to spade connectors, which I need.


NAC A5 for my Nait 50


That’s a nice system, for all I know those guys maybe fighting for the remote.

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Thank you, I moved on from Naim a few years back now, mainly because I wanted to get off the constant upgrade train.
My only future upgrades will be cables and a better stand/rack to house the TV and audio components.
Looking at Salamander or BDI, not for a while though.

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I may have to. My dealer doesn’t want me buying the TEAC amp now he knows it would be hooked up to the PMCs. Says even as a stop gap it’s a likely horrible pairing. Understands I have budget problems but doesn’t think any amp and source withing my price range will work well with them. He’s advocating maybe second hand JBL studio monitors with the TEAC instead since I can no longer afford the L82s or even the 52s (which are a tad small for the room).

Great choice!

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Wow those speakers really are right out in the middle of the room. Do you get boomy bass if they are further back?

Purchase a used standard Naim 180 5-pin cable from eBay.


I have not really tried them further back to be honest. I always position speakers away from walls, being doing that for years based on recommendations from my dealer and Dynaudio manuals.


Maybe, subliminally, the reason I bought the Nait 50
Other than cables, no upgrade path. (;


Not bought exactly but on loan from my dealer for the kitchen. We discussed the obvious downsides to pairing PMC Twenty5.23s with budget source and amp. He’s on record as saying it is a bad idea. I’m on record as saying this was not my intended speaker for the amp. But I just don’t have the funds for a more suitable lower end speaker right now and they don’t have anything else small in my budget.

TEAC NT-505 X streaming preamp

TEAC AP-505 power amp

images courtesy of TEAC.

We’ll see how it goes.


Acquired a Creativ Audio Absorber isolation shelf for the CDX2, nice addition.