What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Furutech connectors for my power cables.

All finished: Neotech 3002-III (white-blue) and Furutech TCS-31 (green) power cables.


Were you not tempted by the Tangerine Revolver to complement your Stiletto and Skorpion?

Clive, Yes I’m sure at some point I will do so however, the cartridge replacement was an unexpected burden not long after a house move hence not top of my priority list just now! I may be wrong but I rather imagine it’s more of an aesthetic enhancement and perhaps less of an acoustic one. I’ll check it out though in due course as the standard platter does suffer with corrosion issues over time.


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Why have you chosen different power cords and in which way are they different?

Depending on the tubes used you can create a warm lush sound but these modern tube amps can produce very detailed and dynamic sound while also being very organic and liquid. This amp is very versatile and can take any number of power tubes changing its characteristics. From that warm sound you described to very linear with tight extended bass that slams hard.

Great fun, lovely to look at and sound amazing. I would love to see what Naim would do with a tube amp…. I could imagine it would be a very interesting dynamic sounding amp!

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New Roon Controller and system camera. 16Pro

Very impressed with the camera so far and look forward to testing it more!