What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?


Improves with a better PSU.

It’s running with a MiniTeddy 9V right now, which was a clear improvement over the stock SMPS, thinking of a Plixir Statement in the future, but not in a rush.

It runs a bit warm to the touch even when idle, have you noticed that?

Yep, mildly warm.

I liked the Ferrum Hypsos, but unfortunately tried ‘The Man’s’ own PSU - and it was inevitably better. Naim priced PSU.


Do you mean the PSU102?


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We had an electrical storm nearby last week, so I powered my kit down and unplugged the mains block and ethernet cable.

Storm went away without incident so I powered everything back on and promptly blew the fuse in my XPS-DR. I nearly died from the irony.

Since I’ve now used the spare that was already in the unit, I thought I’d better get some replacements for future. Just the standard Naim approved ones, nothing fancy.


Allo Shanti power supply for the two Reiki super witches… just squeezed in on bottom shelf … need a bigger boat

i thought logical to put all the power supplies on the bottom shelf but i could move the power supplies next to each component which would create more breathing space… what do people think?

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Do you need to have Nucleus and network kit/power supplies on the rack with the Lumin and ATC kit ?

Personally, i’d just keep the final switch there and put the rest elsewhere.

Please excuse my very sarcastic reply, partly fueled by recently walking into a shop and being faced with displays of Halloween paraphernalia … your two Reiki super witches are perfect for this time of year. SORRY!!!


PS I don’t know about the Reiki but love the Isoblue shelves - so much more user friendly than Fraim when trying to move components.


A good suggestion but my only other location is on the tv rack… another isoblue (my old battered one) which is not much better!

I’d also have to find a supply for the reiki that sits close to the nucleus as they are both fed from the twin outlet Allo psu

Nova + Kanta 3.

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They are the new B&O.

Hahahaha. What about the current B&O?

I always thought Bose were the B&O wannabe. And if I’m honest, If I was buying a lifestyle system, I’d probably go the Bose route and take the flack from the haters.

Linn is more like, you forget what it looked like after leaving the room. Possibly what they were going for.

This made me laugh. I decided to sell my XPS-DR, and as I boxed it up, I thought I better just check it all works perfectly once more (the OCD in me…) and as I did the fuse blew…easy to fix; but very ironic as per your experience!

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A Mullard GZ34 Fat Base rectifier version F31 from late 1958. One of their finest that’s known to last forever… well, 40k hours anyway. As airtime will be split between 3-4 different rectifiers it might as well be for ever! Running in nicely and sounding great!!


Rather lovely

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Yes very… I’d like to go back to valves at some point.


I love them. I have a range of rectifier, input and power tubes and the difference in sound between them is incredible. It’s like having a dozen amps in one!

Listening to some of them that are over 70years old is quite humbling, so old yet so good! Not many tube manufacturers today match their standard!

That’s a great photo!

I’ve never heard valve kit, apart from (possibly) a radio when I was about 8-10…something very visually intoxicating about that glow, and the sound was lovely and warm (but maybe that’s just the romanticism of fuzzy recall).

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This was my old vale amp.