What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

A new listening chair and a larger rug.

A second hand model in nice condition. Same as this, but with legs. It is a Visoe 620. Designed by Dieter Rams in 1962


A preloved Supernait2 replacing my naitxs2. The NDX now has a better partner to dance with :blush:

A first listeningsession shows what the Supernait brings to the party - bigger sound, more control and I find it more easy to follow bas and backing vocals. Early days yet but I like it already. Cheers!


For myself, in advance of my next birthday, I bought a second system, based on headphones:


After a big bunch of listening, I’ve pulled the trigger and bought a pair of FinkTeam Kims They work perfectly in my room (both sonically and (just as importantly) in the views of the aesthetics committee.

I’ve decided to go for the olive finish, which will mean that they need to be special ordered from Germany, but I liked the way that the wood grain was a bit more vibrant. My dealer is letting me hang on to the walnut pair that I’ve been demoing in the meantime.

I was keen on both the PMC Fact.12 and Kudos Titan 606 (or 707), but being unable to demo them at home was a bit of a dealbreaker for me. I had heard so many speakers that sounded fantastic in the demo room but were compromised when I got them home.

I’m stoked - it’s been a long adventure getting to this point.


Nice one Jono, my dealer raves about them as well. How is the ND555 sounding?

Great service from Real Music too, letting you hold onto to the test pair whilst the special order is made.

Thanks! The ND555 is sounding pretty fantastic. I had a bit of the burn-in up-and-down - one weekend it was sounding a bit dead, and I wasn’t sure about the speakers, but on the following Monday is was sounding amazing again. All in all I’m really happy with the upgrades that I’ve just done.

And yeah, Steve and Chris at RMC have been fantastic as always. Steve has got some Quadraspire floor protectors (I think they are QX7) for me to compare with the Fraim chips that I’ve got at the moment, so I’ll see if I can hear any difference. I’m also interested in trying out some Isoacoustics Gaia feet, as I’ve seen a few comments rating them.

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I’ve not heard of them, just checked them out. They look fantastic congratulations, a long wait?


Cambridge audio refurbished CXN V2 streamer to a go with the Sony ES amp

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Yeah - they’ve not got much of a profile, but pretty much every review I’ve read is very positive. I was looking for something with more bass than my SL2s, while still retaining the “artist in the room” sensation that I get with them.

I loved the Totem Acoustic Element Metals, but their black monolith appearance didn’t work with our room unfortunately. The Kims are nicely sized, and sound very natural. And the bass they have is good, without overwhelming other aspects of the music, or getting tinges of bloom (which other speakers I’ve tried here have done).

As someone who aspires to getting good sound, I know that treating our room would be an obvious step, but I don’t see a way to making that happen without ruining the way that the room looks (and compromising the fact that it is our primary lounge)

Amusingly, I met Karl-Heinz Fink (the designer) not that long ago at an event at my local dealer, but I wasn’t considering the Kims at that point, and probably didn’t ask as much as I could have about them.

In terms of wait, I’m not sure. I took it to be several weeks (they’ll be air shipped out). I’ll get a confirmation later this week.


They definitely look good. Also I agree you can’t go messing around with your room.

Look forward to seeing them and hearing your reviews. :+1:


I’ve found a cheaper solution, an attenuated din cable from the much missed Flashback (RIP Dave). It’s pushed the image back and given me much more range on the volume control; plus it sounds great.

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Not bad house voltage there, but are you sure you have enough sockets?

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Wow! Didn’t even know you could get them with so many sockets, what is the digital display reading, is that volts?:thinking:

It’s a countdown until the thing explodes.


I’ve opened it up and checked build quality and it is top notch . The display is volts amps and watts . The display is wired in parallel so I can easily disconnect if it " interferes"
Olson make .

Shouldn’t this be in the ‘Electric Heaters Suppliers don’t want you to know about’ thread….?

Only joking :joy:, I have something very similar in my study supplying computers, network, telephone and NAS drives.


I’m going from the Rolls Royce of dedicated consumer unit supply radials the lot to my system to this .So I think it will interesting to see what affect it has

Oooh, another Stands Unique owner. In case you didn’t know, although the company is effectively closed down, the website details one of the employees (or owner) who still supply the uprated shelf supports at a really good price

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