What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

It’s a great idea and I’m actually surprised more mains taps don’t have built in watt or amp meters. Aside from helping the consumer be green, they could improve safety too via imforming the user of the load. And for those worried about the effect on sound quality, the meter part could be battery run. It’s only a display that needs power. The internal clamp meter never touches the circuit wiring and is benign.

NDX 23 watts
Ndac 11 watts
Supercap 42 watts
XoverL 6 watts
XoverR 6 watts
Genki CD 8 watts
Uphorik 10 watts
NC 250 Bass standby. 16 watts
NC250 Bass standby 16 watts
NC250 Mid 16 watts
NC250 treble 16 watts
Lingo 4 standby 2 watts on 8 watts

Total fluctuating around 170 watts all components on amps on standby .
Around 220 watts all items on

Each NC260 puts on 16 watts

Pulling 1.43 amps all items on

All transformers silent .



That is some array…

Note the 2 free plug spots for XPS for NDX and nDac …well you have to future proof don’t you …

Err joking …

NDX/XPS/nDAC still needs 3 plugs in the optimal config. The nDAC has to still use mains for the clocking circuitry, when connected to the XPS. But a NDX/XPS is just one plug and I think still sounds mighty fine.

After evaluating it for a few weeks, I can now say I’m the proud owner of this sublime Esoteric E-02 phonostage. It’s a delight to feed it my beloved Ortofon MC A-90 cartridge.

And yes it’s a joy pulling out records just to hear how they sound.


@Taake Beautiful Esoteric … love their products :clap:t2:

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New speaker day for me! I had ProAc DB1’s until now and honestly, they’re an incredible speaker with some of the sweetest mids I’ve ever heard. Replaced them with these Audiovecter R1 Arreté. At times I’ve missed the mids from the DB1’s in these early listening sessions, but the speed, precision and imaging of the R1 is just on a whole different level. Quite breathtaking little things!


Welcome to the club, for users a tube pre into a Naim amp :+1:


Keep us updated on your thoughts as they run in, the R3 Arrete are on my list of potential speakers so always interested in owners thoughts.

Just received a HummingGuru Ultrasonic record cleaner… had become very apparent that a brush alone wasn’t really going to cut it. And that was the new vinyl :flushed:


For what ever reason Naim has the Volume control setup to give tons of attenuation at the bottom… Not sure if I’m explaining it correctly. Keep in mind that the volume control does not increase the Volume but Attenuates it. Think about it backwards. when the knob is all the way off, it’s actually fully engaged. Then problem with this is that the volume control adds a lot of it’s own sound to the signal.

EAR Yoshino 534 , to replace the NC 250. 1 hour burning for now.
Sorry for the pic, but can’t do better. It’s hidden.


Very nice :+1:t2: new EL34s? I normally give new / NOS tubes 50hr to settle down completely but normally sound a lot better after 10-15 or so!

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Dangerous just mentioning this here… but am on day 3 of having this wired in. The Audiolab DC Block 6 which proclaims to offer “…a no-nonsense Instant improvement to the mains power supply, and ultimately the performance of your hi-fi system.”

So what am I hearing? Answer a noticeably wider sound-stage and more detail. There is a marginally brighter sound, but I sense that is reducing as it runs in. So for £365 it seems to be good value.

I’ve been trying it powering different aspects of the system as well as the whole of it.

Yes, I’m aware this is all my opinion, and of course it’s subject to my own mains supply idiosyncrasies… I’m trying to be as objective as I can, and the careful listening will continue…

It’s shown in its temporary/trial location.

Edit: interesting to note that the voltage has not been seen to drop below 247 since it’s been operating.


That’s far too lovely to be hidden!


Read any other hifi forum and you will not find such animosity toward power conditioners etc. make of that what you will😉


Look forward to your insight, never heard a valve preamp or amp….hope it blows your socks off👍

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Top shelf! :smiley:


Yes and at one time it was thought that ‘bits were bits’ when it came to digital audio.

It all boils down to education and not falling foul of snake oil solutions.

For years I dismissed mains and mains cables as requiring little more than an upgrade on the ones supplied in the box. Now, with a better system, I have explored and settled on a Puritan PSM 156 with all Puritan mains cables. Very happy with the enhancement.

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