What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

When I got my NC300 system just before Christmas I told myself “no more upgrades”. Now look what’s happened. Doh!


Hi FR… Bet there’s no humming… nice and quiet ?

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What SL cable is that?


Many manufacturers claim the same. People just need to be curious and listen. If Porsche tells me a Porsche is better than a lotus I am not going to just go out and buy one, I would test the 2 first.

I still vote for: Let the mains rip…a good PS will make the best of it. A Power conditioner will squash it (a long time ago I heard this effect, but would concede n=1).
I don’t want my music civilising, I want it at lightspeed.

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5-pin DIN to 5-pin DIN. Links streamer to preamp.

Good call, I had the equivalent SL cable linking my 272 to 250 DR, a significant step up from the standard ‘in the box’ cable which, to be fair, was no slouch!

Am considering SL XLR’s to link NC 222 to NC 250 as and when Naim can clearly identify which cable to actually use :smirk:.


Fantastic cable! I love what it did in my system.

Naim do a very good job with their Power Supplies but it is not possible to account for the differing quality of mains supplies even in the UK let alone the rest of the world.

If it was possible to have a listening room in one area of the country and have an exact same room and gear in another part of the country with different quality mains, are you saying that there would be no difference in SQ?

Conditioners have advanced a lot in recent years and it cannot assumed that they will affect the SQ in a detrimental way.

As with everything, our listening rooms, treatments, equipment and mains are all different. This is also true of our musical tastes, preferred sound and quality of ears. It is no longer acceptable to put people off from trying conditioners in the same way that no-one should blindly accept the recommendation for a conditioner without home trials. This is true for gear and cables.

speakers, ear close, are dead silent, even with volume at 10 o’oclock


No, that’s not what I’m saying.
What I am saying is that in both circumstances, music quality is better without mains conditioning.
Caveat: I don’t know what modern mains conditioning sounds like, it was a long time ago.

We will agree to disagree! Conditioning does not have to slow music or make it civilised. A good modern conditioner reduces noise and can actually heighten the listening experience.

Perhaps you could try one yourself on trial just to see if they have moved on in your mind :wink:

Having sold the Kudos T505 I’m trying NACA5 again. Will get it wired up tomorrow.



Wired up to what Graham?

ND555 x 2 555PSDR / 552DR / 300DR / PMC twenty5.21i



The February 2024 accessories price list has SL 1.5m balanced XLR - XLR cables listed at £3599.

I have been auditioning a Clearaudio Statement Ebony record clamp. These are pricey. I didn’t mean to get that one. My dealer ordered the less expensive Innovation Ebony clamp that I wanted to evaluate (with my Innovation turntable). The distributor accidentally sent the wrong one. In the end they preferred I keep it rather than taking a return on opened product (I cracked it open and used it before realizing the mistake – they look nearly identical). So long story short, they sold me the Statement clamp for the price of the Innovation clamp.

My impression is it has a much better grip on treble extension, resulting in better control of sibilance, imaging/stage and inner detail. Without me saying anything my dealer had similar impressions when he came over. I’d still like to get some technical details about it. Clearaudio and Musical Surroundings essentially have nothing to say on the topic. I noticed that both spindle and record surface interfaces are via bearings. My personal theory is that those bearings are coupled internally to some kind of resonance control that prevents/controls HF ringing from the vinyl to the cartridge


Nice, sounds similar to the stillpoints clamp

Picture please

2m Puritan Ultimate for my lovely Puritan PSM156 on its way to eventually replace the Puritan Classic from wall to 156.