What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

An identical entry existed in the 2023 and 2021 price lists.

My dealer is now, so far unsuccessfully, trying to get to the bottom of whether there are new(er), balanced/pseudo balanced NC XLR-XLR interconnects or not….


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Will be really interested to hear what you find out.

Me too, but I’m not holding my breath :smirk:.

Maybe Naim doesn’t need the revenue………


Nait XS2 with ND5XS to replace my Superuniti. But honestly the SU is better in all area’s to my ears and in operation.

The Nait XS2 has a honky/resonate bass quality with the Neat Motive sx2 and the ND5XS lacks treble sparkle. And at low volumes the channel balance isn’t great.

I wish I had one to try with the 108. I have a nagging feeling it’s being held back by the classic cable. Changes in power cords in my setup is clearly audible and can make or break the sound

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Very nice. You recommended the 156 a while ago and mine arrived last Monday. Very pleased with it. The hum has gone from all of my gear and I have not detected any detrimental effect on SQ in fact, it may even have improved sound a wee bit - this may obviously be an element of me justifying my purchase. Thank you for the great recommendation :+1:

The ultimate cable is a step too far for me but I do have a full set of the classic plus cables - wall to 156, 156 to 4 x 300 series gear, 156 to Oppo 105 and even a classic plus figure of 8 from 156 to SKY Q mini box.

The Puritan products seem to offer excellent quality for a quite reasonable price. The mains cable flexibility is fantastic. They can be routed extremely easily. Great products.

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That’s great! With only a week of uptime I believe you have some more performance to collect coming weeks too :slight_smile:

I’ve been waiting for a used Ultimate to show up for a long period now. Problem is, no one seem to let them go… I’ll put my Classic on the Sbooster if the Ultimate stays. The Classic Plus version wasn’t available from my reseller but could be ordered. As I understand it is the standard cable but with the specific shield used on Ultimate so some say it’s the sweet spot in the Puritan range.

Did you compare the Puritan Classic Plus against Powerline or?

The ultimate seems like an incredible cable. Have you tried the classic plus? They include some of the ultimate technology which the classic does not. I am very impressed with them and would recommend a comparison with the ultimate.

Have not but am curious on how they perform against Powerline in my system :slightly_smiling_face:

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One week now since two second hand PowerLines arrived. Put them on the NDX2 and 250DR so far. Happy with that. A bit better (not dramatic but still noticable) compared to the Chord shawline. And another improvement was had when the Shawline could be used from wall socket to powerblock. I had a standard Naim powercable on duty before.


Picked up a pair of these to try out, supposed to help clean up the mains


Here you go!

With Musical Fidelity LS3/5a

With Grahams LS3/5a


After saying preloved SL speaker cable comes up rarely and never at the right length, a pair of exactly the right length came up this week so I’ve bought and installed them today. I feel a bit bad cancelling the order I had for new with my dealer but he understood. 16 weeks + lead time for speaker cable is very poor.


Thank you very much , interesting photos, as the Musical Fidelity LS3/5A are very recent , I hope you don’t mind me asking .

Do you prefer the Grahams LS 3/5A ?

I have P3ESR but have always had a hankering for the LS3/5A

For the connection between NDX5SX 2 as streaming transport and NDac I bought a new BNC digital cable

Neotech NEVD-1001 UP-OCC Silver RCA KOAX 75 Ohm
Connectors: Furutech BNC FP-3-117 R

Nice upgrade. More about the discussion: (Click here)


Hi Ian,

The P3ESRs work superbly well with Naim amps. I would say their bass goes a tad lower than the LS3/5a.

Don’t know yet about preference. I would say both lean to the more musical side of LS3/5a, whereas I would say the Falcons lean a bit more towards the musically detailed. Both work well with SS and tube amps.

The Harbeths don’t play well with valves IME.

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There has been a further upgrade last days: I bought a second hand Chord Anthem DIN 5 Pole. And the Story why you can read here (Click)


Ear 534 tube amp. A beast, 20 kg. The problem will be to find a tall amplifier stand , at least 30 cm height, and not more than 450 cm weight. The length of my cables and not a lot of space.
For now the sound is wonderful. Finite Elemente cerapucks under the butcher block.


No rush FR👍


Do you mean 45 kg?

That’s great news.