What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Curiousity killed the cat…

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I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts if you have time to comment once you’ve tried them

Just about got them connected up today. Busy weekend ahead but I will comment when I’ve had time to play. I am hoping they will replace the 851N as I now stream from a computer :sunglasses:

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Well, I’m still not convinced. I put the 82/olive supercap back today and oh does it have a special sound. The 282 and 252 sounds inhibited compared. The 252 has higher resolution and gives more room info. It sounds more natural as in instruments and voices sound more real. Still the old olive pre has that something special. I’m now trying to bring that forward in the 252 with cables. First off is putting Neotech on both NDS and Supercap since they have more grunt in mid/midbase than the powerline and then powerline on the amp. Theory is that the cables highest up in the signal hierarchy will influence the components after it. So far it sounds promising. However I found a litmus test is Thom Yorkes voice in Videotapes. With the 82 you feel the vibration in your chest. Not so with the 252. When that happens all is good :blush:

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Anything that puts Thom Yorke’s voice anywhere near my chest is a no-no. Bad enough when he’s near my ears :laughing:


Haha. Someone doesn’t fancy Radiohead.

@Igel favourite song this evening.


Lol…don’t mind the band, just the ‘chaaange-my-nappeee’ whinger :grin:

Something for the long weekend…

Fibre faffing.


Sounds like you might prefer a 52, as we did …

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Never had the benefit of hearing one unfortunately so don’t know what it would sound like.

Lumin D2… the Eversolo just didn’t gel


Oh you fell for it at last……:wink:

You’ll have to let us know what kit you use and as to how you get on.

Looked at the ADOT packages, but understand that you can get the components from Amazon and other suppliers.

However, not sure what spec one would need, so looking forward to your feedback and info.


Just collected today a ‘20 build XPS dr for the 200 active system, also added a Fraim level borrowed from another system. Now i’ m a little quizzed on which CDX 2 keep the XPS


Still trying out various configurations, DG– I like to run them for a week or so. I’d preferred Ethernet in the final leg (PhoenixNET to KDSM) but with changes to my system in the last few months with a move back to Naim power amps and the recent full integration of Roon RAAT, I wanted to try Fibre again as it could simplify my network setup, especially if I could run fibre direct from my main switch.

Setup this week has been Cisco GS110 > 30m Cat5e > Sonore OM deluxe / Farad 3 > 3m OM3 fibre > KDSM.

This weekend I’ll try Cisco GS110 > 20m OM3 fibre > KDSM.

Not quite Gazza :grinning: - I saw the Melco cable which looks like a modified SFP direct-attach cable - a surprising move given the supposed benefits of the ADOT fibre kit.

I have a spare direct-attach cable here though so if i get bored over the weekend…

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That Arista DAC is probably 10G though, so no good in a 1G SFP connection. Very few 1G DACs have ever been produced, and are usually very proprietary so used in specific scenarios such as inter-switch stacking links only. Even generic 10G DAC’s can be a a bit problematic in 10G SFP+ kit, since the standards for DAC cables are not very tightly designed so that network kit often has to have vendor specific software drivers to get the DAC cables to work at their best.


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Thanks for the info. I assume as it’s SFP rather than SFP+ that it’ll be fine for 1Gb connection. One way to find out…

Edit - found the spec and it’s listed as 10Gb. Slotted it in and it’s all working fine so it’ll be interesting to give it a go.

Very good. I’m not sold on the clock. The DAC itself is pretty good. I prefer the sound to all 3 versions on the 851 and I prefer it to the DAC in the Michi X5 but that’s a closer call. This is all so far. I don’t have golden ears like some seem to but the above is my honest comments on my kit, my room my ears…

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