What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Big box for a bit of wire! An Atlas Mavros Ultra S/PDIF.

Anyhoo, this now sits between the Auralic Aries streamer and the 272 :slightly_smiling_face:

Burning in for a few days with some OMD on repeat as a treat for it.


After a busy 2023 with me replacing my 11yr old SU with the NS222 and NAP250. I decided to wait almost a year to make the next change.
I was at a Hifi show last summer where there was a demonstration of the S6 and M6 power blocks. I heard a clear improvement with the M6 and I have been considering it for some time.
So last week I made up my mind and called my dealer.
I also decided on a Chord Shawline power cable and I needed a Swiss plug so my dealer offered a very impressive looking 24 carat gold Isotek connector as part of the deal.
It all arrived today :blush:

I have to wait for both the power cable and power block to burn in so I need some patience…
The power block is quite bulky but the build quality is impressive!


Let us know how you get on :grinning:. I suspect I need a better mains block (I have a simple £10 one at present) but can’t decide what to get. They are so expensive!

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Pre loved Superline and Hicap. Just powered off my Supernait 2 at the moment, will add Hicap in a few days once accustomed to the bare Superline.


For the DSM


The Chord Shawline is one of my staples , I think I have three.

It is very good and I find easier to handle than the full fat Powerline.

I have that in my Nait 50, the rest is Chord


Another tyr 2 joining my kits , got the Frey 2 speaker cables too :wink:

Stocks has arrived but not Valhalla 2 sigh


Rega Radio. :sunglasses:


That must sound fantastic!

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While waiting patiently for the Valhalla 2 power cord , tyr 2 will take the appointment for now :sweat_smile: and also running in the furutech 50s altogether

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Hi line for an unbelievable £113


Wow!! Good buy :clap:t2:

Left hand plug collar looks a bit iffy.

Also looks like it’s been crushed at several points.

Hope it’s the bargain you think.

Strain relief broken?

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That looks like @JosquinDesPrez 's old HiLine :joy:



Don’t care for that price I’ll get the super glue out :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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:woman_shrugging: as long as it works.

Ha ha…I still have both of them…in boxes.

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They were eaten by his big dogs. :joy: