What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Ha! Following on from the above post, ive just bought one of those blue silicone belts for my LP12…

The cable looks like it’s been crushed also.

Hope it works out for you.


My Chord Powerhaus M6 arrived today. Unfortunately i forgot that the NZ/AUS power chord they come with has a 15A plug (which has a thicker earth pin than the usual 10A plug, and so isn’t useable without several hundred dollars of electrician.

I’ll pick up an alternative cable tomorrow, and then can set everything up and worry about device/plug order

Already mentioned that… come on Diggy…
Keep up!

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I’ll do better next time.


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Acquired a lovely pre-loved Nac282 on Friday, my SN2 now performing power amp duties. Settling in nicely.


All plugged in and working superbly :+1:

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Finally bought an Ansuz ethernet cable to go with my superb Ansuz switch. Five minutes in listening to quobuz and I’m kicking myself for not buying it sooner


Finally got myself a WiiM Amp - a streamer + amp all in one. For the price (less than USD 299) it is a steal. Had LS50s in the storage, now perfectly powered by it


Not gear so much as bought, rather materials bought and a bench top knocked up to start building speaker cabinets!

Still not quite ready to get going, some home jobs to do beforehand, but definitely getting closer!

CNC MFT top bought.

Sides of 18mm MR MDF

T track set between 12mm MDF strips and a cheap fence from 20x40 ally extrusion and a Benchdogs flag stop.

Sat on a workmate for the time being. Routed slot for a sacrificial 6mm strip still to do. Need to take a brave pill before doing that though X)

I did rough cut a 250x1000mm side panel for the Troels Gravesen Illuminator speakers I’m building. Stood it next to my Neat SX3s. I think the new speakers are going to be substantial!

Once I get properly going with them I will start a dedicated thread, just happy to finally build something rather than talk about it!


I’ll have to Google half of what you wrote, but am excited the idea is progressing. I just hope you’ll take less long to post than I did :wink:

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Now my system is at it’s end point I’m carrying on with my cable overhaul and picked up these speaker cables today. They’re replacing Witch Hat Phantom, which I never had a problem with at all, but I never really tried anything else either. I need to sit down this afternoon and have a really good listen, but whilst sitting here getting on with work, my first impressions were that these feel a little less dark compared to the old ones. We shall see!


Well, I’m just about at the end of the home demo of the Boulder 1108. My dealer generously let me keep playing it beyond their absence at AXPONA and said I can keep it this weekend and return it early next week.

While I’ve had it I played with some different loading options, and tried both arms (with mono and stereo versions of the Lyra Atlas Lambda). I think I have settled on 225Ω for the stereo and 100Ω for the mono (with Superline it’s 470Ω for both).

I have a Naim Superline with Supercap DR, HiLine IC, Powerline and Z-foil Airplug. You can’t really improve the Superline more, except with a SuperLumina DIN 4-5. With that said, the Boulder completely smokes the Superline in every way. I will miss it. Where it really shines is in how well it digs deep into the bass and presents such an accurate and 3-D soundstage, far beyond what the Superline can do. Everything else you look for is better too, but the realism of it just totally clobbers the Superline. The latter sounds flat and lifeless by comparison. My plan is to save for the Boulder (I pay cash for everything), and move the Superline, etc on to someone else to love. Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of the Superline. It’s one of the finest phono-stages I’ve ever had. But the Boulder is special and magical in ways I never expected.

After I get the Boulder for myself I will have both my tonearms converted to balanced connections and get a XLRx2 → DIN 5 cable from AV Options (the Boulder has balanced connections in and out). They will take the DIN 4-5 I just got from them in trade.

Every time my wife and I compare the Naim and the Boulder we feel like a veil has lifted and opened up the music when we switch back to the Boulder. In fact, she was the first to say exactly that. This is a really extraordinary phono-stage. I wanted a phono-stage with two inputs that isn’t a downgrade from my Superline. This checks all the boxes and then some, in spades.

Hopefully, I can still get this in 2024, but it might have to be a post for the 2025 thread.


Gosh, I just saw the price in Australia. Twice what I paid for a 3 year old 552 DR.

I would not say it is crushed, that is just where the cable twists when forming a loop. I had a hi line and it was exactly the same as that. The cable is extremely strong so I don’t think crushing it is even possible (from a domestic use perspective). GOOD BUY! I just got two Furutech FI1363 NCF for £145. GOOD BUY #2!

Boulder Audio is the real deal! I wonder how Boulders preamp and power amp would sound in your system?

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My new mini system.


I know I mentioned it before but if you can I highly suggest you home demo the Esoteric E-02. One of the comments I read online that led me to try it out was a comparison to the 1108’s predecessor where the E-02 was deemed superior. The 1108 being newer may be still the better unit but I truly love my E-02 and the general consensus in reviews is that despite the cost it is if anything under priced.

Esoteric themselves demo it with their new flagship turntable that retails for over $70K USD (fitted with suitably sky-priced cartridges) so it’s unlikely holding anything back.

Just my 2c. Might end up saving you some $$$.

I have wondered that myself, but that would be a major change to migrate from eight-box Naim with Fraim to a Boulder System.

Thanks, it’s probably a great suggestion. I’ve heard of Esoteric before. There’s a dealer about an hour away, but by appointment only. I just don’t like working with dealers where I can’t walk in during some normal business hours. I have a 30 year relationship with my Boulder dealer and they are 5 minutes away with regular open business hours. I’m set on the Boulder and think I will stick to my guns. They’ll give me some kind of break but saving money isn’t a goal. If I wanted to do that I’d just buy a second Superline.

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