What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

No, it will be fine. I enjoy the SuperLine enough and it’s not like the quality of it dimished. I will enjoy not working for someone else even more.



You are the real @Skeptikal

Hello Bjorn, actually I would expect that! :slight_smile: The person in question can be found on record

explaining the differences between the NVC TT and Superline phono stage, for example. Calling out what would allow the NVC TT to perform better, and also stating that the NVC was designed to be more affordable and more flexible than the SL, even if in their opinion they preferred the SL. If anything, they’re too honest on here!

Both of our opinions are obviously just that, but I think that the person in question’s record stands for itself and I very much appreciate the insights into the design of Naim equipment that they post on here.

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Maybe so, rooster :rofl::rofl:

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Considering the latter is discontinued, one has to wonder what’s up their sleeve for a 500 level and above phonostage. Clearly, built-in, replaced the StageLine. NVC offers something close but not quite at SuperLine level. Either something is in the pipeline or they just expect you to shop elsewhere. Which would also be fair enough. There are some seriously good high end phonostages out there.

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I thought the Superline was still in production? It was on the last 2024 pricelist I saw.

I think the Superline is still current, but the Supercap DR is discontinued, and that’s what makes the Superline shine.


I bought a brand new old stock Nac282 and an EAR Phonobox deluxe. Next stop upgrade my ATC sim 7 mk2 to scm40 passives, I dont care about the actives being all that, I want to run my own amps

(probably need to work some overtime though)


Wasn’t the NC designed by Steve Sells? According to LinkedIn he’s still with Naim Audio. It would be a massive loss for Naim if he were to leave.

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You have inspired me, sir…………350’s ordered today. :blush:


Good move :+1:

The electronics were, but the industrial design……the casing, was by the guy who joined B&W. Think he did the Statement casing design as well.

Ah, ok, thanks Gazza.

Thank you for the vote of confidence :ok_hand:

Have you managed to listen to them in your system? I get and appreciate the source first logic, however, I found the 350"s a real positive change vs the excellent NC250 in my system.

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I have ordered without hearing. The reason being I use to run a 272/555DR/300DR. I never wanted to run a 6 box system, so hence the limitations. As for buying blind, in Naim we trust and yours and others recommendations. :blush:



When I did my amplifier demo, (to add to my NAC 332), the 350s without the NPX 300 in the system was clearly better than the NC 250 with the power supply. As you already have the NPX 300, you should be very happy indeed with the mono amps.


Hi guys , has anyone had any experience with chord Sarum T or Music ethernet cable ? Or AQ diamond rje? How does it sound ? Thanks