What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Does anyone know about the guy Terry who assembled the amps in the seventies, and signed the toroid.

Very nice. And how is the ND3? Thinks that’s meant to be the replacement for the Elys?

So far really impressed. For the money it is a serious contender for a quality cheaper end MM.

I’m trying it in place of my 2M Bronze…
Holding its own like a champ.


A Titan Audio Nyx for my Lingo 4.

TBH. I am not expecting great things at all, but I got this pretty cheaply ( I think Titan have discontinued the Nyx), and it will look a bit more potent going into the Lingo :slightly_smiling_face:

(Image courtesy of “The Audiophile Man”)

I only have 1 more item with an IEC plug to “Titan-up”; all the others have captive mains leads.

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Looks like you have changed the mat. To which, please?

Hi Christopher, it’s a Funk Firm Achromat.

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Puritan PSM 156. Puritan Ultimate 2m power cord.

Neotech Neet 1008 2m Ethernet cable.

All of which are very nice upgrades to the system.

Next up is exchanging the ground cable that came with the Puritan Groundmaster city. I tried a cable a friend of mine had and what a difference it made. I have to explore that potential too.

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Speaking of upgrades… Are you completely satisfied with all the parameters of your 252 now that you’ve had it for a while compared to your previous preamp or is there something you are missing? Just out of curiosity.

I am completely satisfied with performance compared to the 82 but I am not satisfied with performance overall. I’d say the starting point in this system has better conditions to build upon. The basic sound from this setup is more natural sounding. Don’t get me wrong, it sounds good but not good enough for crazy people like me.


Im done! :checkered_flag::white_check_mark: Take note.

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Just bought a pre-owned Ansuz Mainz C2. It is even better than the A2.

I notice the body sits very low, as the Exact. I was hoping these new MM’s wouldn’t.

It doesn’t bode well for your wallet… Joking aside, then just keep building until you’re satisfied :slightly_smiling_face:

No it doesn’t. But I knew what I was getting myself into :sweat_smile:

“Satisfied” never heard that word😅


try a nap300dr mate


Worked for me :+1:t3:

Love what the 300DR brought to my enjoyment. Still haven’t forgotten the first moments with it in play:
:astonished: :hugs:


Yea same for me, I got a new one about the time they were being discontinued at a really good price, the difference between that and my 250dr was substantial.

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Is the difference big between the 250DR and the 300DR? Maybe a new/used 250NC would be a way forward too? As of now though, I think I will focus on building a good standard with power cords, grounding system and interconnects. After that the next step may very well be amplification. If my dealer doesn’t convince me of moving to Goldnote, his life mission :sweat_smile:

For me, absolutely. I liked the 250DR, but didn’t love it (I thought I would - as I’d adored my old CB 250, which I stupidly sold when I needed some cash) - at volume, I found it tiring and just too forward (with the departed 282). I noticed that I didn’t play music as much with it.

252 was, for me, a step or ten in the right direction, but adding 300DR was…gobsmacking.


I did it in the same order as you, 252 then 300…works a treat. im getting a 552 this week, going to be an interesting weekend I think. just hoping its not too forward