What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Btw, a 332/333 would be wonderful, but a step too far for me £ wise at present. I’ve concentrated on maxing out my Vertere DG-1 TT and picking up some more LPs as my primary source as being a more cost-effective ‘upgrade’….

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:open_mouth: nice move - think your speakers will love that set up.
I’ve trodden similar path in PhoenixNET and Puritan but won’t be following you to 300 series too many £££ for me - looking to establish a modest second system with active speakers - phew.
By all accounts a massive step up from 200 series - enjoy and sounds like you deserve to.

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Thank you. I decided to let the Phoenix Net go. Both the Phoenix and 333, do a similar thing with the clocking. I had also run out of Fraim levels and had reached the weight limit for a single Fraim…

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Sounds like you have a plan :blush: Thanks again for all the assistance with purchase of the NPX 300.
Hell, I would even buy you a drink :rofl:

Snaxo 362
Yes my babies are going Active.


I recently purchased ebony feet for my tube gear sitting on a glass quadraspire rack. To my surprise the tone and midrange clarity improved so I decided to purchase some more for the 500 series.

Sitting under the Naim feet I’ve achieved similar improvements. Lower noise floor, more articulation and just a more enjoyable sound overall. I imagined the sound would lose its edge but so far I haven’t noticed that in any of the songs I’ve listened to.


New amp addition


160 ?

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Fitted with Kemets, which are not original but hopefully an authorised change .

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Hopefully those in the know can say if all looks correct

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Original caps were fitted horizontal in rear panel .

You won’t regret it :grin:

Time to set up my new Uniti Atom HE… Treated myself to this a couple of months back… Hoping it helps with my tinnitus


A tip from me - but you may already know.
Naim amps don’t allow EQ matching for headphones but if you feed it with Audirvana running on a Mac or PC (via UPNP) you can load up specific EQ settings for your headphones - sounds like a £1000 upgrade…


I didn’t know that. I shall look into it though. Thankyou

Probably one for @NeilS .

Rega ND3.


Not a factory service, but it looks like it’s been done well.


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Definite thumbs up for the Technics!


Thankyou, it is a beautiful amp. No regrets so far. It replaced my XS3.

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