What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Extremely important to get the interaction right between the Snaic 5 and the Burndy cable ,on the Nac 252.

Don’t really have thr vocabulary to talk through but my main question is, do things sound more real, and they did with the ansuz.

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Sounds like you got it mostly right. Just run them in then you can tweak the placement

Do you have any recommendations on how this should be done. I have relaxed the burndies and the snaic is touching it on one point. Is this the way?

Still in its box, my latest contribution to my dealer’s pension fund, plus two Chord interconnections and a Chord Shawline power cable.

The interconnects are for my very small AV system and the power cable for my new black box


A good as new HICAP DR to supplement my SN2.

Everyone knows what this little black box looks like so no photo.

Now just need a SNAIC4 and that’s me finished. :grinning:

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What you bought!?

A ND5XS2 , which will be attached to my old CDx2.2 , so I can have best of both worlds. I discovered that I am short of a particular cable , so no point in putting it in a rack just to take it out

This is/ was my recent set up, the CD5si is going and I will have a modern streamer that will act as DAC and an older, better CD player to act as transport


Great move!

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Bought for a good price to replace an ageing Cisco 2960, as the only switch in my network - actually not wholly true as the Apple AirPort Express and Time Capsule also act as switches, so it’ll be interesting to see the impact…… if any?



Not audio gear, but a nifty new light on a magnetic gimbal so for the Linn or as an uplighter.

No cables which is a bonus. Much neater than my old cabled flexi-pipe.

Reminds me, must get that bloody wall smoothed & painted.



I use the EE8 upon recommendation from my dealer and found that it was an improvement that added some extra clarity and depth.

Did you get the free streaming cable with it?

With mine, I’m back to using the stock SMPS. I tried other PSs; iFI Power2 and Farad Super3, but found the stock one sounded better to me. However, others have had success with alternate PSs, so may be system dependent.

Anyhow, do enjoy and let us know how you get on.


Bought for no reason other than a recent change in rack and placement meant the existing usb cable was six inch too short. On thr plus side I now have only one cable l, another usb, that isn’t tellurium q black or ultra black

Due Tuesday, so will keep you posted.


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New dedicated fuse box for my new music room conversion.


Nearly new in my book!

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I recently arranged to buy an ex-dem 332 and 333. Between deciding this and having them installed, I also got tempted and succumbed to adding a second NPX300 to the system at a bargain price. All settling in nicely now and sounding excellent, a significant step up from the 222/300 I had before.


I’m considering replacing 222 with 333/332 myself. Could you tell us more how the SQ improved or changed and do you plan to move to 350 amp?

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Proper mini on your carpet…

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Yup Min has to have the luxury of carpeted garage .

Yet another project