What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

7M of NAC A5 terminated with Ovator plugs at speaker end. I was previous short of the 3.5M recommended length.

These received “deep-cryo” treatment - which definitely seems like snake oil to me, but did it anyways because why not…

Curious to see if I experience an uplift in SQ from the longer length and cryo.


Since purchasing the Superline last month, I’ve obtained a pre-owned HiCap DR from the same auction site to power the aforementioned phone stage.

I also decided that I wanted to try an Airplug Z foil 100R in the resistive socket.
I got in touch with Cymbiosis, who advised me to try a AirPlug 453R with my Apheta 3 cartridge.
It so happens that the vendor of the Superline threw in an AirPlug 453R with the preamp for a Dynavector cartridge.
I did try it and it sounds good.
So, Cymbiosis lost a sale there but I did buy a AirPlug Capacitive 1nf, sorry but both plugs had to look the same, and after a few hours listening to records this morning, things do sound very good via speakers or headphones.

I had to get the AirPlugs cos I’ve convinced myself that the Superline and SN3 are going to be discontinued in the near future, I mean you cannot get a power supply for either of these now, other than pre-owned. So the AirPlugs will probably go as well.
Playing records is my main focus.


I’m just using the din interconnect that came with my nd5xs2. I don’t know how the socket match the imputs and I didn’t plug it in (my dealer came over and did it since I bought a Naim dc1 cable to connect the nd5xs2 to the ndac) but I’m using the third input buttons on both.


Hey @dmu
I’m really happy for you.
Enjoy listening and keep sharing the reports.

Thoughts on interconnect…
No rush, but when you can, add a HiLine interconnect between nDAC and pre-amp controller. It’s a modest but worthwhile improvement.
(Maybe just wait and pick up a pre-loved one on eBay or from your dealer).

Best wishes


Bought an Sbooster. Again. For my Lindemann Bridge II. I’ve had Farad3 in my system too but performance vs cost value is much higher on this Sbooster. It’s like 350 EUR vs 7-800EUR for Farad3 so to those who want to change their SMPS for a LPS of high quality but not spend too much, go Sbooster :+1:


A HiCap DR to supplement my SN2.

I really wasn’t expecting such an improvement / difference. Highly delighted.:smiley:


There might be permanent amplification changes afoot here soon. Collecting NAC42.5/NAP110 from service tomorrow, have a HiCap in addition. The combination needs 2 sockets, and I previously only needed one for my XS3. I decided to try the DIY option for a 2-way block, following in others footsteps here. So here’s the fruits of my labours, MK dual socket, Belden mains cable and MK safety plug. Cheap and cheerful and seems fine running my XS3 and new (actually old, a chrome bumper one) HiCap whilst I’ve been waiting for the return of my NAC/NAP.

Credit to @Skeptikal - thank you, the spec is lifted unashamedly from your posts


Many thanks for the support and confirmation that less is more and simple good quality wins over boutique nonsense.
Nice job with the polished pins too. :+1:t2:


Vertere Redline

Twixt Icon 4 and 300dr.

Bloody good.


It might just be me but Vertere Redline seems very popular at the moment! Can I ask what led to you picking it?

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I went and listened to a friends system. It went from being great, with the music he loved, but leaning towards sharp/detailed, to being as detailed, but relaxed.

I loved the effect.

One of the changes was Vertere cables.

Being rca to xlr I couldn’t borrow a pair, so I took the plunge.

I knew within a few minutes of fitting them it was a good move. They improved over the next week.


Upgraded the Jupiter Copper Foil, paper and Wax Caps with their new Silver Foil Comet Caps in my tube amp. Everything sounds big… very big. Very deep liquid sound. As others had highlighted, not brighter at all. Just need to let them run in for a while before they’re really performing at their best!

Edit… couple of hours in and …. Wow. This is end game stuff! Incredible :star_struck:


SoTM cat8 shielded Ethernet cable. Used.
Subtle improvement, nothing as dramatic as the redline ICs.

I see a nice little original MusicWorks plug. Still one of the best power strips I’ve ever owned. I bought mine back in 2002.


Mine is the power cable. Currently fitted to my Phono-1. I’ve had it since 2004 I think…

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A HiCap DR for my SN2. Now I’m thinking that the Stageline N phono might be the next thing to upgrade as I hear a difference in the CD5si sound, but not so much (if at all) with the LP12 (Ekos I, AT VM760SLC, Karousel etc.).


Scratching the itch - Fosi V3 Mono amp :sweat_smile:

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A broken Hi line for a project and the project does sound :+1:.
I’ll leave it there so I don’t get into trouble :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


And a Frame light base.


Did you bought it as damaged good or did it come up broken ?