What was the last bit of gear you bought?

I’ve had a pair for nearly 10 years (serial number 11 i think). After buying my first Naim gear, I only lasted a week till I went back to get the X2’s I had my CDX2 / Nait 5ì demo’d with. They are fantastic at low volume and can handle a lot being thrown at them. As my system has evolved, the X2’s have remained constant and now eloquently handle a 282 / 250DR, still with the same CDX2 (although with an XPS now). I never feel like they are missing anything and they will keep me going until I can justify a pair of 606’s.
I’m sure you will enjoy them, but please let us know how you get on with them.


And still are! Very nice, and great value for you. Enjoy your set.


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Good to hear Iain. I’ll let you my thoughts when I have them up and running.

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Technics SL-1210GAE. So much for not upgrading individual components (had already failed with the phono stage), and I also guess the first time I’v gone source first. I’m normally in the speakers first camp.

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Ooohhh…whatever it is, I want one.


Innuos statement?

Nope… :slightly_smiling_face:

Happy new year i have sent some random black plastic covered crates to you👍


A Fraim?

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Nope :upside_down_face:

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No idea more
As you have your wonderful Allnic electronics and dac, apart a new rack I don’t see. Eventually some speakers, but not tall.


Getting warm FR… :slightly_smiling_face:


Shahinian Obelisk?

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Nope… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

MBL 121. My last try. Then I give my turn.

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Nope… All good guess’s FR but not right. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Shall I give the game away?

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