What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Ah, yes, I should’ve looked at your profile. Duh moment on my part.
I did think about the SL5+ but really assumed it would still retain the Harbeth signature, which I wanted to move away from for something different.
Drastic it was. I had the 7ES-3 for quite a long time before adding subs. I was like you in a Harbeth purist sense, but then I actually preferred them with dual SVS subs to be honest. Integration was key, as is any sub. For me it was a very short trial-and-error procedure, and DSP really helps here. My output, frequency response and integration into the system was pretty flawless. However, I really wanted to simplify my overall system, and the Spendors allowed that without detracting from anything, really. I feel I’ve gained so much more.

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ok, well done!

How big is your room ?


It is a dedicated listening room that I designed with the help of our builder and electrician when we built our house. Not many parallel surfaces, which is ideal. It’s 17.5’ long, 15.5’ wide and 9’ ceilings, which ascend from different side knee wall heights to a filled-in cathedral-type apex. My office is attached, but am able to seal it off when I want with a galvanized-type door similar to entry doors, but much nicer for interiors. Anyway, floorstanders in this space was the way to go. As I somewhat articulated, the bass pressurizes the room just fine.

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lovely room and set-up, indeed!

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Thank you! I feel extremely lucky and am thankful to have a space to relax and just enjoy music. WAF doesn’t apply.

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I couldn’t resist the deal which dealer offered me … NDX for NDX2 :grinning:


How does it compare over the NDX?

It has been a few hours since I got him, mostly radio station until till now but definitely sounds more “natural”… and much more features, especially display :smiley:


I’ve just bought a Microsoft surface dial.
With this dial I can

  • adjust volume of my supernait (rotate)
  • mute/unmute supernait (long press)
  • start/stop stream from roon (short press)
  • skip titel in roon (double press)

Very handy, but it needs a little bit of tinkering.


New NDX2 and SN3 arrived over the weekend (arrived by chance on my birthday which was nice). Ex demo HiCap due on Wednesday. Noticeable uplift on the Nova even though still running in. Very pleased so far and thanks to Audio T for all the home demos (all of the above plus an ND5XS2 at various times) and for general help. Still need to decide on best set up on my limited shelves.

My parents and my mother in particular loved their music. She died last year and this has been bought from a small legacy. I think, hope, she would have approved.

I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of the Nova, which i think is a bit of a classic and whose design I really like (I know this goes against the flow on this forum :slight_smile:) so it is now off to the living room connected up to my ancient B&W DM4s which are in totally the wrong position but the whole nevertheless sounds remarkably good.


Time seems to be really moving fast. :wink:

Fair comment. Let’s say “will become a bit of a classic” :slight_smile:

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Covid Time does seem to run faster than the old normal.

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Interesting… could you detail the setup method? Does it require a ms surface to work with or can it be used standalone?




According to Microsoft, “To use Surface Dial, your PC needs to be running Windows 10 Anniversary Update or later, and have Bluetooth 4.0 LE.”
Apparently it connects to the PC, https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/meet-surface-dial-1e58a0e6-4d4a-6303-afcd-ef0234047628

Pity. Something like this that connects via Bluetooth directly to the NDX2 (like the Naim Zigbee remote) would be very handy, in particular if one could pair more than one with the NDX2

Indeed… just seen theres a roon extension called roodial which runs on a raspberry pi that works with it… would need to use dsp volume control on roon. Might be doable without windows pc.

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Devialet does provide a similar remote with their amplifiers, pretty neat i think:


@Suedkiez @litemotiv @Deeg

A: I use roon with to extensions:
1) deep harmony
2) rooDial

B: I use three Raspberry Pi‘s (one with deep harmony, one with rooDial and one as upnp bridge).
An then I am using one harmony hub.

C: It works like this: the dial is sending the command via bluetooth to the first RPi (with rooDial). From there it is send to the roon-Server, then to the second RPi (with deep harmony), from there to the harmony hub and then via IR to my naim Supernait.

The sound is „traveling“ from my roon-server via the upnp bridge (3.RPi) to my „old“ NDX.


I’ve just bought a used Hegel H190 which is on it’s way. It’s a brand I’ve always wanted to try as when I first heard my Dynaudios it was through a Hegel amp.


Very nice such a clean look

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