What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Thanks for the info… re deep harmony… does your pi have an ir port on it or are you using a harmony product as the ir blaster?


I like the Hegel kit. A no-nonsense brand. I’ll be interested in how you get on.


Let us know how it sounds. I’d be interested to try one of their power amps one day, but not sure how well that would mate with my star.

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I use the harmony hub to connect via IR

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The H190 pushes out 150 Watts into 8ohm over 250 into 4ohm and has some very interesting design features. It has Hegel’s own design of Dac on board and is also a network streamer.

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Heard the H390 on Harbeth 40.1 and Harbeth SHL5 Plus. Awesome amp. It made my SN2 sound like an alarm clock. Great control. Great dynamics. Great amp. Maybe a bit boring in being very neutral and not having the brand voodoo as other brands :wink:

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Three purchases in the last 6 months:

  1. NDX2. This replaced my Naim DAC (while keeping my XPS) and relegated my HDX to a server. Superb sound and the new higher res internet radio stations are a step forward too.
  2. Longdog MCJ3 hybrid valve phono stage. Replaced the Mk1 Dynavector P75 and has certainly started to show up the shortcomings of my LP12.
  3. Qobuz annual subscription. The Hi res streams leave the CDs ripped to the HDX in the shade and I can see myself selling the HDX in 2021 to fund the next upgrade project.

I can see the next project being a new cartridge - possibly a Linn Krystal.

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Devialet ? Vade retro. :scream:

Fair bit off power then 150 Watts I’d like to see what you think when it’s settled in

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Very interesting, a longdog MCRU phono stage. Didn’t knew that. I have an MCRU ps and appreciate the quality.
How does it sound ?

I don’t like too but find the look very nice, as the remote. Don’t you , dear Luxembourg friend ?

PLEASE paragraphs ! :slight_smile:



Hi Opus,
As I see you. My Audience SX opened up recently, after maybe 150 hours run in.
Now I see how really good they are.
Only problem: more bass, more energy and dynamics. I have to tune the positions of my speakers. Take a lot of time and patience.

Who? Is there anyone else from Luxembourg?


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Yes, Chag. @Chag. Maybe others?
I am his neighbour from Paris.

Just got this tonight, now waiting patiently for my 200dr to show up.


I had the Yggdrasil for a number of years until about 4 months ago … you’ll really like the Bitfrost … have fun with it.

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Neat! You’ve got to give us a review on that.

I will once I have it a bit. Have to let it run in.