What was the last bit of gear you bought?

I don’t see how the direction of the printing on the fuse can mean anything. The wire inside the fuse, and the body of the fuse, and the end caps are not, I am fairly confident, consistently set up to be the same way round all the time. The fuse bodies will arrive at the machine in random ways round, for instance. It would be very expensive to ensure that the bodies were always, or even mostly, a particular way round when they arrive at the machine that puts the wires and end caps in place.


I think that’s a question that should be fielded at Naim then as it’s their recommendation. Maybe they’ll be able to give some background to the reasoning?!?

Two recent new pieces.
The NAIM FRAIM, and the ND5XS. :slight_smile:

Still some work to do on the cabling in the area lol, but its a nice looking change from my prior equipment stand. Still wrapping my head around the change in sonic presentation from the FRAIM though.


Come on @GraemeH, you’ve had plenty of time to play with your 552, spill the beans!

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One and a half albums this morning. It was only switched on last night after a year in storage.

More listening tomorrow I hope!


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Ah, OK, maybe let it settle in a bit before assessing.

Just interested to hear what another ND555/552/250 owner thinks.

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That was my initial thoughts as well once I added Fraim. It surprised me but in a good way.


It’s hard to pin down for some ‘extra’ reasons.

Part of my challenge is that my room in general is very undamped.
Floor to ceiling glass on all exterior walls in this apartment, so not much I can do about that.
Great for many things, but not heating/cooling bills or sound! :slight_smile:

I’m in the process of exchanging my sofa so there is even less dampening than normal.
I’ve been sofa-less for over a week though so I feel as if I have adjusted to this somewhat.

My initial impression is that it shifted the presentation tonally to be quite a bit ‘brighter’ for lack of a better word. Hard at the moment to currently to assess any improvements in timing/engagement.

As this is a major system change I’m going through and adjusting/repositioning my speakers as well.
In the past I’ve found gear/cabling/positioning changes can often require some adjustments to speaker placement.

The FRAIM is here to stay as I gave my old stand to the local hifi shop to give to any low budget new person coming into the hobby.

More thoughts to come, but I’m sure it will be fine :slight_smile:


NGD, 2008 naim allae


Great speakers Leadpin

I had a pair for a number of years and loved them. Sold them to my brother who now runs them with Uniti Star it all works well

Yea, first few songs. The sound compared to bookshelves are no match. Completely different league. Now the problem is changing the banana plugs, as the current ones I have does not snug as tightly as I wanted.

SME20/3 with Ortofon Cadenza Black and Whest Two.2 discreet. SME V swapped from other TT.


Congrats ! How it compares vs your Palmer?

Hi @frenchrooster
To my ears in my system in my room the Palmer with the grado cartridge and the Quad 24P phono was more get up and dance in comparison to the SME. The Palmer seemed to favour music towards the rock end of the scale, IMHO.
IMHO the SME set up has great P.R.a.T and is so silent I am hearing more from tracks I thought I new well. IMHO the SME can still rock but with a very fine veneer of politeness.
I could happily live with either set up, but I love the SME set up and it suits my changed musical tastes.


Nice analysis.

@RogerGround - nice phono stage! James H makes great products that really suit Naim amps. I’m surprised more are not pictured in these pages…

Cheapest upgrade ever… Hurrah, I can now control the volume from the app! “Removes dunce’s hat.”


Bought Neat Motive SX1 a week ago.


More towards voices, and classical music probably ?

Passed on to me by @anon4489532 who very kindly hand delivered it to me and shortly before rescuing a stricken Hedgehog so lots of cosmic Karma is on it’s way to Mr HH!

This is for use in second system with some Dynaudio Audience 52 stand mounted speakers I even have a 5m pair of Nac A5 somewhere to complete the set up.

Until I get the system all together and for a bit of fun I connected up my large floorstanders and was reminded what a fantastic little box the UnitiQute 2 is, bundles of that famous Naim sound coming from my system again and an excellent match with the Witch Hat Phantom cables.