What was the last bit of gear you bought?

Update on the 300DR … now running in nicely. I haven’t had any days where it has sounded flat, just a steady improvement. A big difference from my 200DR (which I was always happy with). I am hearing more detail, deeper and wider soundstage. Good at low to moderate volume, just better in every way. Music seems easier to listen to, if that makes any sense. One happy bunny here!!


Yes, “music seems easier to listen to, if that makes any sense” makes perfect sense to me. It just flows!

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Its like sitting in a concert hall every day! I wondered whether to go for a 250DR, I’m very glad I went straight for the 300DR, my end game as far as a power amp is concerned unless I win the lottery!


Out with the old, in with the new.

A (slightly) sad farewell to my NDS, which I bought new in 2012 and which has, for the most part brought me great joy. However, the screen has now completely packed in and even with fast fibre broadband, pauses in play and dropouts were too frequent. With no access to Hi-Res or cheaper streaming services without cumbersome (to me) workarounds, I took the plunge and auditioned an ex-dem ND555.

Everything is just so much slicker with the 555 and the fact that, with just one 555PS, it outperformed the NDS with two by some margin, means the deal has now been done.





You are comparing streaming local files or online streaming? ( Nds vs Nd555)


To my ears, there is no meaningful difference between like for like albums from my NAS and those streamed from Qobuz. I am actually considering getting rid of the NAS and UnitiServe because the ND555 can play all my local music directly from a SSD/HDD drive connected to its USB socket - which also sounds exceptionally good.

I have bought exactly 2 CDs in the last year and now buy any new music on LP or stream it; hence the desire to improve the streaming side (though it still isn’t (mostly) quite as good as my P10/Aura :wink:)




This can be a very good solution and will suit a lot of people. It does have its limitations though. If you have a large library it takes a little while to scan before it is visible in the Server input. If you remove it to mount it on a computer to add more music or edit files the streamer will have to rescan the drive every time. Not a problem for everyone, but something to be aware of.

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I’ve gone from buying about 3 or 4 CDs a month to none, the last I bought was with a gift card from Christmas. Qobuz has converted me.


Brazil wasn’t a Monty Python film.

Indeed, but I think FR’s point was that Brazil a la Bolsonaro could be a Monty Python movie. (An observation I could wholeheartedly agree with!)

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Brazil was a great movie, for some strange reason a lot of people seem to think it was a Monty Python movie.

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Terry Gilliam, ex Monty Pythons, is the connection.


Tempted with one of these

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Terry Gilliam realised these movies, Monthly Python and Brazil. I should have written that Brazil was his best movie.

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You and me both Pete! Qobuz delivers more than 90% of what I want to listen to, and have hardly bought a CD since the arrival of my NDX2 last October. There are a few artists Qobuz doesn’t cover and I will be searching those out on line.


And Michael Palin, not really pythonesque imho, too sad an outcome,more 1984/animal farm, brilliant movie (and soundtrack) though.


Qobuz has a few holes in their library here but thankfully there’s not that many. I was never going to stream other than I own files, I should have learnt by now never to use the word never.

I’m a believer. :rofl:


I have never regretted going the streaming route. SQ is very good and it has really opened my eyes to the vast choice of music out there. Youngsters who just listen to top 40 crap don’t know what they are missing. I’m also in the believer club :grin:


They probably do😀

I felt like that when I bought my first Sonos including bundled Napster quite a few years ago, usability and choice and reasonable sound, it’s hard to justify the cost of a Naim separates system sometimes, says he who’s contemplating an upgrade…… I think I’m in denial, I wonder is there a 12 step programme for hifi addiction🙂