What was the last bit of gear you bought?

KOJO Audio Virtual Earth Crystal E grounding box and AudioQuest GroundGoody Saturn (PSC+) cable;

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I have gad mine months and not had to change the batteries>

Congratulations for your nice perches!
Thank you for sharing with all the details and thoughts.
Atom seems like a very good all in one box headphone amplifier, very good performance and convenient from what you described.
what Zen DAC v2 do with atom ? connected them with a wire?
do you also use other headphones beside focal ? or this is your only headphone so far ?
is this your first headphone amplifier ?

I only have one good headphone so far, it’s the Sony MDR Z1R paired with NW WM1Z. I love my set, but I’m also looking forward to invest for another good amplifier and headphones. I will love to demo Atom if it’s available.

My newly acquired and serviced 300DR is really beginning to sing! Straight out of the box 5 weeks ago, it kicked my old 200DR into touch as you might expect. There has been a gradual improvement since then - but this evening!!! Its as though something has been switched on inside the amp. Detail and texture seems so much more enhanced, an improvement (which despite comments from others on the forum that it takes a while to come on song) has really taken me by surprise and given me goosebumps. So if you are thinking of purchasing a new or newly serviced 300DR give it a month or so of regular use and be patient. The rewards are significant. What an amp this is, and its also proved what fantastic speakers the 805D3s are!!



Thanks lol , I’ve hit the point in my system all I want for now is a hi cap dr. But will have to wait a bit. So figured some good listening fluids are nice for now lol

Lovely to hear of this upgrade. I made the similar upgrade recently too with an ex-dem 552DR to partner with my 8 month old 300DR. Thanks had been using a beloved 282 with non-DR Supercap 2 and was looking forward to the new sound when the 300DR promptly lost all output from the right channel and started overheating like crazy… Terrible timing and now the agonising wait whilst Naim HQ take a look and see what went wrong and hopefully fix it… Maybe you can whet my appetite with an update on how it all sounds with the mighty 552DR now??


The Zen DAC is a completely separate item to the Atom. I use it via USB from a Mac for semi-portable listening.

The Focal Clear MGs are the only headphones I’ve tried at home. But I have listened in store to Focal Celestee and Sennheiser HD 800S. Both sounded great.


mij29, sorry to hear your 300DR is away for service. You will surely enjoy your system when it returns. Of course there has been much written about the 552 on this forum. I found the 552 revealed a lot more of the recorded musical performance in every tune I played. When I added the ND555, I was impressed by how the sounds of instruments and voices were conveyed with more convincing realism. These improvements bring one very significant closer to the music - they take you beyond hifi, and beyond any talk about bass or treble or noise floor. Have patience…

Well that’s terrific. Many thanks indeed for your impression; I love vinyl and hopefully have a front end to do it justice; in the meantime, a 15 year old Nait 5i is doing a remarkable job of keeping the show on the road whilst the 300 is fixed… Nothing like a forced absence to make you appreciate your system at its finest! ATB

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GIK acoustic panels omg what a difference…if you are thinking about it just do it…

When dark they look like slightly deflated Dementors to me. Enough to scare cats I’d say :slight_smile:

I have to admit to asking Mr. Google what a Dementor is/was … good call …

I have 552DR with 300DR with CD555 and Kudos Titan 606 and it sounds fantastic!! Be patient and you will be delighted. Sorry to hear of the problems with your 300DR though. Ask your dealer to lend you another power amp until your 300DR is ready!

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Here’s a double last gear…

The P8 bought a month ago is a revelation. I thought the Aria phono stage upgrade was a biggy when I had the P6, this is beyond words and for me represents end game territory.

Then yesterday the Lomograflok 5/4 back turned up after a years wait on kick starter. I’ve burnt a few shots tonight getting used to it, but it promises to be a lot of fun with the kids…


Aah terrific, I use an aged CDX2 and vinyl as source so very keen to get the fixed 300DR back as soon as possible. Unfortunately the dealer looking after the return and repair are no longer Naim dealers anymore so nothing to lend in the interim… Making do with an old Nait 5i in the meantime!

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My latest turntable…Needs a cleanup but looks good.


Is that an aftermarket mat?

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I just realised it’s Rega green.

Your picture reminded of the boxes of needles I’ve got in box of my grandfathers Knick-knacks.


Is the green mat equivalent to the green CD marker pen that improved Sound Quality?