What was the last bit of gear you bought?


very interrested into that as I planned to go for oreas on my equipment. Could you give more details please?


hi @shawnforever

go to supplyhouse

DiversiTech MP2-E E.V.A. Anti-Vibration Pad, 2" x 2" x 7/8"

i am told this is quite good under AV eqpt

i will get mine by the end of the month

But for USD 0.62 each - i guess no harm giving it a try


go to supplyhouse

DiversiTech MP2-E E.V.A. Anti-Vibration Pad, 2" x 2" x 7/8"

i am told this is quite good under AV eqpt

i will get mine by the end of the month

But for USD 0.62 each - i guess no harm giving it a try


bear in mind though - these are only low cost tweaks - they wont change the sound drastically but you may notice incremental differences…

i guess we all know that


@steviebee did the SCDR cure the humming?


Lol…yes, it did. For the first few hours, then the hum started again! However what’s different is that my SC2 hummed right from switch on, whereas the DR has developed, being at first very quiet. It’s also a lower pitch hum than the SC2. Transformers eh?!
I think it’s a lot to do with my ramshackle cable routing + unsettled mains, and possibly more the former as the cables are a distinct mess. Hence, cables, rack rebuild and resite (further out from the wall to allow more rear space) is my next task. But…I’m hopeful of getting a Fraim at some point soon, so I may leave that for then.
The DR is about 6 years old as well, so I may well get it serviced - a reasonable £290ish - using the 2 as interim while the DR is away.


:weary: Bummer. Still, you have a DR! Have you noticed much step up in performance over the non DR Supercap?

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It sounded terrible after I’d unboxed it, even after letting it get to room temp, unconnected, over a couple of hours. I was really disappointed.

Then this morning, I realised (one of those DOH! moments) I had been playing around with the plugs on the SuperLine a few days before and had left the wrong R plug in - I can really tell the difference between the plugs on the DR (my ears perhaps aren’t the best, lol).

Sound is fairly immense - especially the bass, and almost holographic on some vocals. But not enough time with it after swapping plugs (a distinct rush of relief!) - but I think it’s going to be good :smiley:


Ha ha. I’ve had a few of those over the years. Dumbest one had to be switching Mid and Treble on my active briks. Good to hear you’re hearing good things now though. Bad news for me of course as it increases the itch to swap to DR Here :sweat_smile:

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Would it work to swap one of your SCDRs to the Superline for a listen?

Possibly, but then either the 252 or Snaxo would presumably suffer a step back being on the SC2 so it would be difficult to draw an accurate conclusion. Logic for having the DRs on the 252 and Snaxo is that they get used all the time for NAT01, CD and TV.

First world problems :crazy_face:

Naim Fraim and Dynaudio Confidence 20 delivered this week. Bit of a roller coaster now as my 555PS is brand new out of the box and the 20s need a good run in to sound their best. I might finally post a pic in the other thread once I’ve sorted out my cable soup.


Nice - NAT01. I considered getting a 2 or 3, but the aerial needs put me off…

And indeed, first world eh? :shaved_ice: or :ice_cream:



Ooh…Fraim…nice! Setting it up yourself?
I ask for when/if I get mine…

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My latest addition which I’ll hopefully remove from the box this weekend is a musicworks power block with the optional base sheet. Not a great one for experimenting so I’ll do a bit more reading on which socket to locate the plugs into!


I bet the conf 20s are going to be freaking amazing! Give us updates please.

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Those Confidence 20 will take a long time to break in and settle. My Confidence C2 Platinum took about 500 hours before the four Esotar2 tweeters became stable. It was a rollercoaster, some days sounding smooth and sweet and other days screechy and harsh. They have that reputation. I suppose the Esotar3 might be similar.

Dealers set it up and glad they did!

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How’s it sounding so far? I know you have a long ways till broken in

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Hi, definitely a rollercoaster so far. We spent a good chunk of today moving them around and trying various positions. The bass is very substantial - way more (and better!) than my old Contour 20 - so breathing space is critical. I was starting to worry this morning they were too big for my room but bringing them forward has made a huge difference. They are certainly very good and I’m excited to hear how they improve over the coming weeks and months. Voices are incredible, detail and soundstage too. The main difference so far is the depth and superior bass. All that said, definitely doesn’t have the magic I remember…

When I home demoed the ND555, it sounded sublime. The streamer and the power supply were both well run in, and I didn’t do anything special in terms of set up. In fact, I plonked them directly on top of my 252 and Supercap (very naughty!) I kept the streamer (ex demo) and bought a brand new 555PS and set everything up on my new Fraim. It doesn’t have the magic from the home demo, and by magic I mean timing and emotion; each track felt like it was playing slowly and the sense of anticipation was amazing. What should I put this down to: Brand new PS? Brand new speakers? Poor set up (some cables now touch the floor due to my two small, standard size Fraim stacks housing my six bricks). All of the above?