What was the last CD you bought


Daryl Hall | Before After
From Amazon this double album. “A compilation of songs from Daryl’s previously released solo albums, plus bonus tracks from Daryl’s ‘Live From Daryl’s House’ program. Guest performers include Dave Stewart and Todd Rundgren.”


An artist I currently do not have but listened on YouTube and love it. So will remedy this soon.
Enjoy :guitar:


Chet Baker Live in Bologna 1985


Apart from recent charity shop excursion as above, last two new CDs purchased:
Marillion - ‘An Hour Before It’s Dark’ (2022)

Bob James Trio -‘Feel Like Making Live!’ (2022)

HMV Bristol, a couple of weeks ago.


How did you find the Kate Bush remasters the other day - is there much difference to the originals? I’d been thinking about getting them if there was a marked improvement as I’ve just got the originals at the moment?
Cheers Simon

@SimonDC I did find an improvement to them…but not sure if that was the media. My cDX2 generally sounds better than the LP 12 but for £12 a go I thought it was worth it.
I’m sending back the Lionheart CD as I have the vinyl version and don’t really like it that much anyway. Will get Sensual World instead.
Let me know what you do and think if you get them.

Bought the 2 disc remaster - very enjoyable…I’ve always found them both chaotic and yet tight in their playing - both discs show that well


Shhh I know this is the CD topic but I have heard tale that the Linn police do from time to time pop over here and spy! And there’s always the chance that your LP12 might try and turn you in for your treacherous thought crimes!

On a more serious note I had heard similar. These days many of the remasters that are released in an effort to bring out more detail, seem to sound bright and/or edgy etc., with many audiophiles preferring the originals. I think I might just go the whole hog and buy the first remastered boxset, I’ll leave the second because I’ve got the live and extras cd’s which haven’t been altered. The only real difference on the other discs would be the eradication of a certain Mr R Harris from the Aerial album! Although I have to say I do prefer the early version but also fully understand the reasoning - but in a way it smacks of 1984. Think I’d best shut up now!

Anyhow thanks @c2photo

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If only Kate had chosen a better speaker than Bertie - someone who could deliver a line…


Did not know there were 2 remasters……when was the first one?

The LP12 is due for a little love in the form of a karousel so apparently that will give it a huge boost. So the Linn Police can relax!:blush:. For now.

The only masterings I know of and have, are the UK first and the Kate Bush Remaster.

Hounds Of Love has two remasters, but Aerial has only the one afaik.

Edit/ I think Andy was talking about boxset numbering rather than masters.

(I often find that modern remasters (not talking about Kate’s) have increased bass, and less ‘air’ rather than brighter/trebly…'swhy I mostly prefer originals.)

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Ok…thanks for the info.

I just bought the ones on Amazon. I did have a look on Discogs but did not have any idea of what I was buying but suspect they were the original CDs so as I had the vinyl did not see the point of getting them…
They seem ok to me.
Problem is I never know if they sound that way because of the system I have or the media……:face_with_monocle::thinking::man_shrugging:

I think the Kate Remasters are really very nice. I have the LPs singly, only bought one box (the extras one). I haven’t directly compared the originals with the remasters, nor HOL between the UK first, the Audio Fidelity and Kate’s remaster.


Assume you are talking about the 2018 remasters?

Yep. The stickered ones as in your CD pic.

And…wow, was it 2018? Feels like yesterday…

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As far as I am aware it was all done at the end of 2018. And there were box sets available for both cd (2) and vinyl (4) - plus they were all available individually:

Yes my Gyro need some attention - or more precisely a new stylus for my Ortofon 2M Black - although as the body is fine may give it a 2M Black LVB as a special treat for lasting so long (12+ years)


Looking at those pics, I’m tempted to get the complete CD sets…be a nice companion to my records.

Well my order has just gone in for vol 1. on cd and I’ll prob get Ariel and Snow separately.

Also ordered these - wasn’t aware of these as 3 disc sets -

Am I bad - putting master of puppets 3cd on next order!


The only reason I’ve not gone for vol 2 is I’ve got both the live set and the extras already and they haven’t been remastered. I ike Aeriel but as I said to @c2photo I’m on the fence a bit with Mr Harris being deleted.