What was the last CD you bought

Rob Luft, Dahab Days. Classy guitar focused jazz.

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Michelangeli made an all-Chopin solo concerto LP for Deutsche Gramophone many years ago. I wonder if that’s largely the same repertoire.

It is said that, when ABM first started his concert career, he had an extensive repertoire but, as the years progressed, he played fewer and fewer works.

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a weekend haul from local charity shops. One had many Naxos CDs so found a few to investigate. At 50p each, I am happy to investigate and give back if they are not for me. And I have discovered I have a couple of these but again, they will be re-donated.


Here is the programme for the recital.

Whilst the picture on the cover is from a concert in the Vatican in 1986, the recording was made in the 1960s, possibly 1962 radio recordings made in Turin/Treviso.


On BandCamp; Stones in My Passway​.​.​.​Discovering the music of Robert Johnson


This is exactly what i do……if i have them they go back. My wife has put her foot down that i cannot get rid of the whole cd collection to our local charity shop until we move, as i will likely buy them all back😂


ha! I know exactly that feeling. Returns sit in the back of my car until I’m visiting another town/village for work and then they are returned precisely so I don’t buy the same ones back. Or at least less likely!

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I don’t have a picture but a trip to MVE in Notting Hill yesterday got me the following on CD for the princely sum of £22. All original editions.

John Elliott Gardiner:
Bach - St Matthew Passion
Bach - St John Passion
Bach - Mass in B Minor
Bach - Christmas Oratorio

Trevor Pinnock
Handel - Messiah (Complete)

Paul McCreesh
Handel - Messiah (Complete) (still in shrink)


It couldn’t be helped.



Is that the new remastered version ?

Recently discovered Nicolò Paganini and this is my first material.

So far listened to Concertos 1 & 2. Wonderful compositions and equally played beautifully by Salvatore Accardo.

Highly recommended for you Violin Concerto lovers out there.


Yes, I’m afraid so. That’s the third copy of these albums I’ve bought: vinyl, CD, CD.

My name’s Clive and I’m a Beatleholic :cry:


Is it an improvement?

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I’m assuming it will be. It’s not released until 10/11. Several of the tracks are those which we’ve already heard in the Giles Martin remix/remasters. However, there are others from Magical Mystery Tour as well as some which don’t feature on the original albums and were later released on the Black and White Past Masters discs. I suspect we’ll have to wait a while for those, unless they are bundled as bonus tracks on the regular albums.

Whatever, it’s the Beatles and I can’t help it!


Don’t worry you won’t be alone, I’m even debating buying the single as well. :grin:


I’m sure there are worse habits that one could possess. Enjoy! :+1:

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Nice! :heart_eyes:

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Schumann Violin Sonatas: Tetzlaff/Vogt
I was lucky enough to see them perform together…