What was the last concert / gig you attended?

Mrs QS has officially decreed that the Hollywood Vampires tonight in Birmingham was, “ The BEST Gig EVER!
I am certainly not brave enough to gain say her… :face_with_peeking_eye: :wink:


I went to Hyde Park on Thursday but felt Villa Park was better. It was a more “Bruce” crowd. At Hyde Park I was surrounded by people obviously just there to say they’d been there and for the selfie. Lots of chattering through the quiet songs etc which was annoying in the extreme.


Totally agree with you. I experienced the same….

Father John Misty @ Hyde Park



Pulp, last night in Sheffield with Richard Hawley supporting.

Next gig - Richard Hawley in Palma, Spain in a couple of weeks.


Hollywood Vampires at The Hydro, Glasgow. Simply superb.




I went to both the Thurs and Sat and thought the Sat was by far the better of the two. The Thurs was good but had something missing for me, the Sat was magnificent.

Is Steve Van Zandt still introduced as Miami Steve Van Zandt?

Nope Little Steven

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That’s a pity Miami Steve had a nice ring to it.

From memory he was only Miami Steve because he once went to Miami. I guess they have all seen a little more of the world now.

Steve is still dressing as the flamboyant one. Hat only for the walk on to stage

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I suspect that depends where you stand at Hyde Park as well. Closer to the front there were more Bruce fans. At the back people seemed to still be using the fairground which was odd.

What to do on a typically wet afternoon in Buxton? Ans: Go hear Schubert, Brahms and Mozart played by members of Endymion as part of the Buxton International Festival.

Schubert: Quartettsatz
Brahms: Clarinet quintet
Mozart: Clarinet quintet

Enjoyed all three but especially the Mozart which was played on a basset clarinet. I think someone once said that the official music in heaven was by Bach but when the angels played for themselves they played Mozart. Heavenly it was, too.



The Damned are the band I’ve seen play the most times, I love them.
When they’re “on” they’re absolute dynamite but I’ve seen them “off” too and it’s grim. It’s about 5 great shows to every bad one for me. Last bad one was at the O2 Academy in Liverpool about 5 years ago and that one was mostly due to problems with the sound. You could tell by the end they were frustrated and couldn’t wait to get offstage.
IME that venue is awful so I avoid it whenever possible.
Seeing First Aid Kit there next month and am expecting another sub par sound.

Saw Generation Sex at the O2 Apollo, Manchester 11/7.
The show was pretty short, an hour then a 15 minute encore, but it was a greatest hits set and they were fantastic. And very loud.

Pistols wise we got 4 songs from NMTB, 3 from Swindle plus Black Leather - Pistols or Professionals, the argument continues. Then the Gen X biggies of Ready Steady Go, King Rocker, Wild Youth, Kiss Me Deadly and Dancing With Myself.

After seeing them on iPlayer at Glastonbury I wasn’t expecting them to be so good. Steve Jones, Paul Cook and Tony James were really tight and looked like they were having fun, as did Billy Idol. Just wish he knew the words without needing a video prompt.

Because of their short set there were two support acts, neither of whom were my cup of tea. Especially Bob Vylan. Definitely in the top one of the worst bands I’ve ever seen. That dubious honour was previously held by LA Guns. In a football analogy LA Guns would be flirting with relegation in the Premier League whilst Bob Vylan would be Isthmian League. Classed as Grime/Punk it was just a barrage of bass that shook your seat and lyrics that were borderline hate speech.

Still owed you the report of my third day at the North Sea Jazz festival. I couldn’t finish it before I went on holiday. It started off with an extended performance of Pat Metheny supported on drums and keyboard. I would have finished off the full two hours of I hadn’t had to run off for the Brad Mehldau Trio concert. But enjoyment wise I would have stayed as it was a great concert….


The next concert on the 3rd day of North Sea Jazz festival was the Brad Mehldau Trio. I had anticipated this one very much, as I had enjoyed them years ago in Frankfurt a lot. However this time it was good but not great. I missed a bit the tightness and they hadn’t moved on and just were playing the material they had released before…., so a bit of a pity…, while obviously this still is a special trio….

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The next concert on the 3rd day of North Sea Jazz Festival was with Yuri Honing and his Peace Orchestra. It was very very interesting. Given the instruments at hand and the quality of the musicians it was an absolute delight. And I am sure I will buy their album, if they choose to record the music we heard.