What was the last concert / gig you attended?

Billy Idol Cardiff, with Toyah, and Killing Joke. Great all three. October 17th 2022

First Aid Kit at Liverpool O2 Academy, August 15th.
Absolute dump of a venue but the sound was pretty good and First Aid Kit were fantastic. Those girls know how to sing - didn’t hit a bum note all evening.

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I’m seeing them in Dublin next Monday, can’t wait!

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Saw Daryl Hall with Todd Rundgren last month at Hammersmith. Awful the pair of them.

What was so bad?
Too old? :laughing:

Well found this.
So sad. He aint’ got the pipe no mo.

It’s so weird to hear this as I know this tune so well from my favourite album Something/Anything?. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Jake Xerxes Fussel at the Jericho Tavern in Oxford. Blew me away. Like having a folkier JJ Cale playing in your living room. He’s the real thing.


They both can’t sing anymore and each of them played more than one cover version despite having a vast amount of their own songs to sing. Hall ignored his biggest hit She’s Gone and played a cover version of The Delfonics-Didn’t I Blow Your Mind This Time for the encore joined by Rundgren. There were a lot of empty seats before the end. Just a money spinner for the pair of them.

I can’t believe Hall did not play ‘she’s gone’. ! I bet they could not hit the high note. I would feel cheated. :expressionless: Did Todd to ‘Just One Victory’? Or ‘Last Ride’?

Bet they are laughing all the way to the bank tho.
It is sad when old musicians still keep playing even tho they have passed their prime. Recent Polini’s UK performance comes to my mind where he had to stop the tune in the middle because he could not remember and had to start over with a score! :pensive:

Last time when I saw him he was frail and missed a few notes but at least he was able to finish the recital. But clearly his laser sharp precision was gone.

To be honest I am not sure what Todd played I turned off after a couple of songs, I wish I had my ear plugs with me. I have a couple of his LPs, Lives In The Balance is my fav. I have a feeling Hall left out a lot of his big hits because he has sold the rights to them and would have to pay to sing his own songs. These guys just went through the motions knowing that their fans would support them no matter what. The best thing about the evening was the drive home.

Love Supreme in July. Probably the stand out act (after Miss Grace Jones!) Was probably FKJ, worth checking out

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The best Todd concert I went was back in Japan. His Ra Tour in the 70s. The last one was in Metro or was it Riviera? Chicago New Years Eve Concert and we ended up leaving in half way. It was disapointing including rude concert patrons! I’d rather play his old records and enjoy his performance in prime at home.

First Aid Kit, Collins Barracks Dublin - 21 August

Have been waiting to see Sweden’s Soderberg sisters for years and they delivered in spades last night to a rapt audience. When they were taking their bow at the end of the set ABBA’s Dancing Queen was played over the speakers and the place went mad, everyone singing and dancing. A wonderful night, life affirming music.

Someone recently said “Life is sweet”!

(Pic courtesy of The Irish Times).


TV Girl in Manchester last night - hugely popular apparently (I’d never heard of them). I was accompanying my teenager daughter.
Very good despite the fact they play variations on the exact same song it’s weirdly effective. Also the deepest most seismic bass I think I’ve ever heard live.

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Big Big Train “warm up show” Court Theatre, Tring. Great little venue and some fabulous playing and songs, including new ones which sounded good.


Shrewsbury Folk Festival yesterday.
We went primarily to see Capercaillie but caught a few other acts. Always had a great time at this festival. It’s big enough to keep us entertained all day, and small enough to not overwhelm us.

Capercaillie - aging folk/Celtic rock band. Quiet ballads to high energy Celtic jigs and reels.

Most notable of the other acts we saw was N’Famady Kouyate.
West African griot fusion. Very high energy 8 piece band. Famed? for the wooden xylophones in major and minor keys.


All the way from Las Vegas Nevada to a muddy field near Leeds the mighty Killers


July 2023 | Avishai Cohen Trio | Festival International de Jazz de Montréal.
That was my birthday gift from my daughter and my son in law, who attended the show with me . It was amazing! So much talent on one stage. Avishai Cohen is one of my favorite artist. Two young virtuoso completed the trio, 22 years old Israeli drummer Roni Kaspi and Guy Moskovich at the piano. At the end of the evening, the Jazz Festival presented Avishai with the Miles-Davis Award, the highest honor of the festival. I am greatful to have been there!


The Who @ Sandringham … amazing … they’ve both still got it :slightly_smiling_face:
The orchestra was fantastic, especially with the Quadrophenia tracks, got quite nostalgic and emotional.

The Lightning Seeds and Richard Ashcroft were both great too, out of the two Richard edged it in entertainment I think!


Samual and the chaps of Future Island where I heard all about Jocasta’s new silk pyjamas from some people nearby who insisted on chatting away all through the acoustic blues chap supporting… i almost did the most un-british thing of speaking to a stranger and asking them to chat somewhere else but instead just fumed.


I have done that a few times - you get to a point then the red mist and I have to say “show some respect for the artist and shut up”.

You have to pick your moment.

One reason nowadays to just stay home and play the album. It does beggar belief why people shell out a small fortune to see a band and then talk all the way through the set.