What was the last concert / gig you attended?

Matthew Halsall at The Goods Shed, Stroud, last night. So good, even loved the second drum solo.


Agreed. I was there for the first show. Great use of ships bells😀

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Roger Waters - Dark Side of the Moon Redux at the London Palladium Sunday 8th October

There has been quite a mixed reaction to this re-working of DSOTM but I have to say it is growing on me. That said, hearing it performed live it was fantastic. Just a shame he spent the best part of an hour reading extracts from his as yet unpublished memoirs from a laptop on a table at the front of the stage. By all means plug an upcoming book but 5 or 10 minutes reading would have been sufficient.

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I saw it last night, he cut the reading of his book down to just one chapter, so he obviously took to heart the criticisms of Sunday night.

I will report in full later when I get a moment.

Skippinish at The Fleece in Bristol. Not the best gig of theirs I’ve ever been to - that was with a young, very very enthusiastic crowd in Tiree - but what a great venue The Fleece is, first time I’d been

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Double headliner at the Electric Ballroom

The Ocean

This Will Destroy You

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Gary Numan Acoustic at Birmingham Town Hall. Very enjoyable.


Last night, Ese And The Vooduu People at The Troubadour.


Shout out to (VP drummer) Kissangwa Musikkongo who opened with a cool acoustic guitar set of mainly Congolese songs which opened the groove very nicely!

Great to see Noel again, on congas, talking drum and other hitty things

Deep set from EVP. Powerful as all heck. New song Glowing was one hell of a psychedeeeeelic kickstart to the Vooduu Night. The Rev’d Be Atwell a storming MC led the congregation…


Amelia Coburn at The Village Pump in Trowbridge, last night. Excellent venue (tiny, with sofas!), excellent performances by Ruby Darbyshire in support and Amelia in great form. The other support act? Well, you have to kiss a lot of frogs…


The Legend that is …


Jaap van Zweden + CSO + Christian Gerhaher [baritone]



Songs from Des Knaben Wunderhorn

Symphony No. 5

I enjoyed Christian Gerhaher’s Mahler’s Des Knaben Wunderhorn very much altho I’ve seen him at the Mandel Hall at U of Chicago a few years ago and the hall acoustics were much better than the Orchestra Hall unfortunately. His song selection was rather gloomy which is a morbid side of Mahler and touching on existential question. Somehow I felt it was timely considering what’s happening in the Middle East. I particularly thought it was poignant to end the cycle with urlicht (Primeval Light ) He only sang 6 tunes out of 12. I could have stayed there for the whole set! Jaap’s handling of Mahler songs were lovely. Expressive and well paced and he made the orchestra an expressive backdrop for a dynamic Gerharher. They made a beautiful narrative.

Jaap’s Beethoven 5 was not bad! I was surprised he kept the pacing brisk throughout. Altho as a whole it sort of sounded like a generic rendition and that the final built to the coda was a bit lacking. After a while it started to sound the same. That said, I was relieved it was not FUBAR as his Mahler 4 in the past. I suspect that Mahler Symphonies would be much more difficult to keep it together than the familiar much easier to follow Beethoven 5.

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Was this evening with Vikingur Olaffson…., he played the Goldberg Variations of Bach…, it was a great performance…


oh! that’s his new album isn’t it?
I was wondering about his performance.

nice one @BertBird I will attend his concert at the Elbphilharmonie next year

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Was a good concert tonight in Bamberg…, while the combination which was chosen inside the program was for me a bit out of harmony. The highlight for me was Schotakovich’s 8th symphony….

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Pop Will Eat Itself at 100 Club.

Never really liked their music and didn’t recognise a single tune. Quite liked it though. The downside was it was bit like watching Top of the Pops, in that most the music was pre-recorded with the bassist and keyboardist “miming”. I was watching the guitarist too and I deeply suspect that his guitar wasn’t connected to the amp either or was on incredibly low volume.

Bit of a piss take really but I suspect they don’t make a great deal of money and doing an annual tour makes them a living. Well, apart from Clint Mansell who is making a killing as a successful film and game score composer; and wasn’t there, needless to say.

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Indeed. Mozart and Shosty? Interesting pairing.
Jukka-Pekka Saraste is one of my favourite conductor. But he never made it to Chicago. Hope I can catch him in the other side of the Pond.

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Bebel Gilberto tonight at Koko in London. Great fun in part because quite a number in the audience were Brazilian. They knew every word of every song.


Paul McCartney tomorrow at Newcastle (NSW) looking forward to finally seeing a Beatle.


And the set list still misses so many other great songs

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