What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

All the Night Dreamer sessions are excellent IMO especially Sarathy Korwar
I’ve been enthusing about them on the other threads after streaming all the titles.


I’m still waiting for them to reply to my email about buying the complete back catalogue, might just have to start ordering, how long did it take them to turn your order around?

In the end I actually ordered from Sounds of the Universe as I also wanted the Seed Ensemble, Drift Glass (that’s also excellent but I got the CD). I had originally intended to buy directly from Night Dreamer and was put off by the postal charge of £14.

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Thanks Clive, Ouch! Yes those shipping and tax charges are a bit of a sting, maybe coz where no longer in the EU? Thanks for the heads up, therefore I’ve just now ordered Sarathy Korwar & Gary Bartz/Maisha from Juno, cheaper than the NightDreamer Bandcamp price and less than a fiver postage for both.
Seed Ensemble is another one I’m interested in

Is the industry going to kill the goose that laid…? I’ve really enjoyed streaming Christian Scott’s live album Axiom but the vinyl is nigh on £40. Just had my weekly tempter from Juno and I see Jefferson Starship’s big selling but middling OK Red Octopus is £36 just for 180g coloured vinyl.

It’s not too bad if you get an interesting package like Yazz Ahmed’s La Saboteuse a couple of years back - top Naim vinyl, gorgeous artwork and a booklet.

Axiom is another on my list, yes the LP does look a little pricey but it is a double gatefold and I think a US import.

Some of the latest purchases. Have been making regular trips to the record shop (collection at the door) for the last couple of weeks, which is a nice way to break the Covid working from home for 10 months routine …


3 recent purchases…


Many thanks. LP12 Aro awaiting a service.

A bit more ‘Old Fart’ Jazz for my collection.

Craft Recordings are releasing the four Chet Baker Riverside LP’s from their 2020 box set these are remastered by Kevin Grey and pressed at RTI.

Featuring some excellent musicians including Bill Evans, Pepper Adams and Kenny Burrell this is the first of the four on Pre Order on Amazon £24.

Their pre order system is annoying I pre ordered Matthew Halsall’s new record and paid £25 they are now pre ordering at £68???



Order direct from the artist on Bandcamp


Just arrived, another reliable next day service from Juno & The Royal Mail.
Night Dreamer Direct To Disc sessions



As I always do where possible and when it’s financially viable, when I ordered this record from Amazon it wasn’t available on Bandcamp the only copy showing on Matthew Halsall’s page was a sold out deluxe coloured vinyl which was expensive and also I don’t like coloured vinyl I prefer black but regardless of that and on a selfish note because shipping is free on Amazon for orders over £20 it’s usually between £4 and £5 cheaper.

I’m a terrible person I know and poor Matthew Halsall is probably eating soup tonight but when you are buying hundreds of records a year that’s £400 to £500 of course if it’s an unknown artists selling a few hundred records then I’ll buy on Bandcamp who do still take 10% to 15% by the way but usually those artists like James Allsop are not available on Amazon anyway.

You can pre order standard black vinyl LP from Matthew Halsall/Gondwana Bandcamp.
I always avoid Amazon these days due to a number of issues of late, personally speaking even if Amazon are cheaper I would prefer to spend money elsewhere than line Jeff Bezos’s pockets


Well done you give yourself a large slap on the back and leave me alone to my terrible and selfish ways please.

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Chill out man!

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What no love heart emoji?

Bob, this isn’t very interesting to other users. I was trying to help you. As always you go on the paranoid defensive and get quite reactionary. You even implied offering me outside over on another thread. Its childish, absurd, rather telling and seems to stem from a while back when you threw your toys out of your pram after I respectfully corrected you on some minor detail on the Reggae thread.
Respectfully again, If you dont like my comments/views I believe you can “mute” them, not sure of the process but I’m sure our host can assist you. At least it might lower your blood pressure.

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I only wanted a love heart emoji but got a full psychoanalysis. Gee thanks dread