What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

And @CliveB bear in mind some of the extras will likely be mastered from original vinyl and distortion is often introduced in any case as part of the Dub mixing.
As I suggested before this isnt music for “audiophiles”

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Pressed at GZ.
Playing the first disc (not the dubs/versions) right now. Sounds good to me.

Remastered by Pete Norman @ Finyl Tweek.

When I track down my first press ( it’s hidden somewhere here with Harder Than The Rest…the joys of non-alphabetical racks!) I’ll play it to compare.

On to disc 2. Fab

And on to disc 3 - no pressing nasties yet.
Either I got lucky or GZ did well with this set.


As Ive mentioned before GZ used to have a bad rep but since they’ve been OK ime whereas Optimal went on a downward slide.

Similarly Finyl Tweak ime have done good mastering jobs

Thanks to you and @steviebee for feedback and advice - have ordered the vinyl, which should be here tomorrow courtesy of Juno. I listened to the Apple Music version through my basic streamer and compared one track with my 1980 vinyl. It did sound as if the voices were slightly higher pitched.

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As a long time fan - buying just about anything be it on CD or Vinyl imagine my surprise when looking on Juno at seeing this - yes I’d got it on CD but wasn’t aware it was available on vinyl!

And then imagine my thoughts when I looked at the back saw that it was limited to only 4,000 copies - and I’ve got number 0002!

I’m rather pleased

:grinning: :smiley: :smile: :laughing:


Semi bootleg, grey market re issues exploiting copyright expired public domain, not officially licenced and from unknown sources.
Even if they sounded good, which they rarely do ime compared to re issues from official labels that own the recordings/masters, the artists estates are not getting paid.
They might be cheap and they are cheap I wouldnt bother with them personally no matter what someone else might say

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London Symphony Orchestra cond. Andre Previn - ‘Previn Conducts Satie’ (1966).

Philadelphia Orchestra cond. Eugene Ormandy - ‘Reverie’ (1964).

Second hand, from record shop on Tuesday.

Fair point Dread. I’m less naive now than in the past. I’ve expunged all the DOL from my collection.

On a general point, frustrating to see DOL and others for sale at HMV. Why aren’t they filtering this? As for Waxtime, picked that one up from a reputable independent record shop (Discovery Music, Barnstaple).

If anyone is visiting the South West on holiday this summer, do make a detour to Discovery. It’s an Aladdin’s Cave of vinyl, overseen by Matt the Hat…


Looking forward to playing this later today


Portico Quartet " Portico Quartet"
Real World Records

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Probably because technically there not illegal. There cheap and fill the racks. The market is being flooded with these public domain labels which alongside proper releases just confuse the market and less discerning/experienced record buyer to the detriment in my view of the format as a whole.


My opinion on this is a little different as many Jazz and vinyl lovers in low paid jobs or without much disposable income cannot afford Acoustic Sounds or Mofi prices so not only are Waxtime more financially inclusive but they act as a gateway to something better. Many people starting out collecting vinyl and Jazz are not prepared to shell out that much at first.

I’d actually argue that without those cheap reissues the recent huge upsurge in vinyl sales of Blue Notes wouldn’t have happened and therefore the royalties now flowing in would not have happened.

Music is not just for well heeled middle aged men it’s for everyone.


Picked up at the merch stall at the Echo & The Bunnymen gig at Bexhill on Wednesday. Side project of Will Sergeant featuring original Bunnymen bassist Les Pattinson and signed by Will himself

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Tool - Fear Inoculum Box Set
This arrived today! Wow! What a handsome package. Can’t wait to give it a spin.


Prompted by @AndyP.

I’ve played I Can See For Miles but am waiting to get a copy of Who Sell Out on Sunday and listen to that first - I confess, I’ve never heard SO apart from that track. Only ever had Who’s Next… I’ll get me coat…


Kiri Te Kanawa - ‘Kiri Portrait’ (1986).

Mozart: ‘Piano Concertos K488 and K595’ (1982). Philharmonia Orchestra with Vladimir Ashkenazy, pianist and conductor.

Second hand from record shop last Tuesday.

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Mine arrived to - put on gloves - took it out for a look - back in box - beautiful!

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@Richard.Dane and @Isca_Dumnoniorum finally got my copy of Sonny Red today and the same fsst sound is there but I do prefer the Tone Poet wether it’s a Mono v Stereo thing I don’t know.

They are both excellent but for me the TP edges and side by side the cover is so much more vibrant on the TP too.


Quite a difference in the cover colours there!