What Was The Last Vinyl You Bought?

Joan Armatrading!

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What a tease!

Ah, but it’s very difficult to see individual tracks on the clear vinyl. Hence my preference for black. I often listen to to just one or two favourite tracks on LPs.

Dream Wife tour support reimagined 2019

Interesting idea this…

This mixtape samples vocal stems and live recordings from support acts chosen for the Dream Wife tour. All proceeds going to Girls Rock London (GRL!).

Only available on LP too.

I’ve a few complete operas in my collection purchased in Malta (whence SWMBO hails). Some of these have visible bits of paper in the vinyl! Obviously the factories recycled ‘used’ vinyl to make them. Most play OK, but some have loud clicks just where you would expect them. Why in Malta? Well, I’d tried to find these recordings in the UK and failed. Don’t ask me which ones they were, because we’re talking decades ago! This was before Amazon and Fleabay existed, and my usual source of LPs was my local record shop and those in any place I happened to visit

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Talking Heads - The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads.

Unfortunately though, without even getting a spin it’s on its way back.
There was a hole in the inner sleeve roughly at the same place as the hole in the record. I could have lived with that but on removing the disc from the sleeve there was a solid white residue filling a 10mm x 2mm portion of the groove. Very strange because the outer sleeve is not damaged at all and the item was shrink wrapped.

Very odd! It’s a great LP though, so here’s hoping the replacement is much better.


Oh alright…


Dobet Gnahoré - Miziki

Bought this on a whim of curiousity. I’d not heard of her before. It’s really good. Lovely recording and pressing to boot. She has a great voice!


That’s interesting- my first copy of Rough and Rowdy ways has some paper material embedded in track number 2! I thought I might be able to remove it- but it was complete stuck. Record went back to the river and they sent me a replacement. Hopefully it wasn’t made from recycled vinyl?!

Alas, I didn’t notice the paper bits until we returned from our annual visit to “the boss’s” family.

Another Fopp bargain - this double LP was just £17!


Where is this Fopp House Of Treasures which you’re stripping?

They were something to do with HMV weren’t they?

It’s on Earlham Street, between Cambridge Circus and Covent Garden. It is still part of the HMV empire, their only outlet in the centre of town.

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Very disappointed with that branch of Fopp last time I was in, came out empty handed. 10+ years ago it was Alladin’s Cave.

Thanks Kev…by the time I get there, the racks will be bare! Apart from certain, ahem, groups that I think we agree on :laughing:



I might just have to check that out. I’m having a dabble with Tidal at the mo (not planning a permanent move to the dark side though)
Could only find this one

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I’ve got that one too it sounds great

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Nice, Dread.
Miziki is more in the ‘pop’ vein (er…kinda) and feels less traditional. I’m liking both. Wish my French and African languages skills were better!

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