What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

Maybe, maybe not

Listened to Innous Pulse just recently and was staggered how good this streaming transport was. Noticeable better than my ND5 XS2.

Give me a minute. I’ll find some material for you.


Shared a similar experience, nd5xs2 and my LP12 with its new Goldring 1042 have a very similar sound signature added the ndac and the streaming side has an extra layer of deep bass, mostly under control, now you feel the bass as well as hear it​:wink::joy:


As mentioned I currently use a Mutec MC3+ USB wich is basically a USB converter (bridge) between the Innuos and the Dac.

If I used a Naim Streamer then that might have a better connection with the nDac.

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It’s maybe a more elegant solution, to use SPDIF, within Naim ecosystem.

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My Naim dealer said the Innuos was a Server and not a Streamer and that really I should use a Naim Streamer like NDX2 but maybe they were just trying to sell me an NDX2.

My Mutec MC3+ USB has BNC out so I currently use BNC to BNC on the nDAc.

There is definitely improvements to be heard as you go up the Innous line.


First, I would defiantly expect an improvement as you go up the Innous line.

It’s not just about the streaming board. Or the server. Also allow for the quality of the power supply deployed, clock, other internal components, etc.

Found it, here you go…
Maybe the section “digital sources & reference points” might interest you.


Actually my non-native English may have distorted what I wanted to convey, which is I think the opposite of your experience? :wink:

With the nDAC/DC1 digital has now the same level, signature and bass as my LP12. Bare ND5 XS2 into the XS3 didn’t reach that level.

(so the LP12 brought out the best in the Nait 2, but the XS3 brings out the best in the LP12)

Through the lovely sweet but also bandwith-limited Nait 2 there was less of a difference, and less of an improvement with the added components, still audible though. As the XS3 has more resolution and bandwith and a better phono stage, the bare ND5 XS2 fell short compared to the LP12, but digital is now on par.

All of the new system now pumps a lot more bass and energy in the room than the previous one.

You have much better amplification and speakers, a different digital cable and likely a different spec of LP12. So it would be normal for your mileage to vary.

Hope all this makes any sense!


:joy: kinda makes sense​:+1:

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I only meant one less box, to use that item, to convert (and reclock).

The other option is to use an external DAC with USB, like the Chord Hugo…
Instead of nDAC :person_shrugging:t2:

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I’ve had a chance to process all that now…
Thanks for patience.

With a Statement, maybe two options.

First, as a server / streamer source, via an external DAC. The nDAC is decent enough in this role. Maybe a gain if partnered with a better specification DAC from the Chord line.

The second approach is to stream, via your network, to a stand alone streamer. Naim streamers work well in this role.

Lots have been written about a potential hierarchy amongst Naim streamers in this regards.

ND555 and PSU sits at the top.
Humble ND5 XS2 is your start point.

edit : not sure where the Statement, as streamer, sits within all this. But I’m suspicious someone has suggested an NDX2 offers better streaming. My instinct says maybe not.


When I installed two dedicated radials with new sockets and a new Furutech plug on my Grahams Hydra the sound quality took months to fully get settled and stabilised.


If you still have the Bryston, could you sell it and the 200 and get a better Naim amp?


Thanks for the reply, the more I use the system the better it is starting to sound, when first powered up from the dedicated supply it sounded very flat and closed in not really what I was expecting, thankfully things seem to be improving.


Did you use 10mm square cable and a dedicated CU?

Stick with it
It will come good and be worth it all


That was the plan but unfortunately the funds from the sale of the Bryston had to be prioritised for other purposes, well almost all, managed to purchase my ndac so at least that was something.
Would really like to add a 250dr or even a 300dr, the former is probably the way I will go mainly due to costs involved.


Yes, 10mm, dedicated cu, the full monty my electrician (who is a good friend!) thought I was crackers.


@ratrat have you tried the Pulse mini with the nDAC?