What will adding a Ndac to an ND5XS2 bring

On no trust me I completely get it…it’s my stuff and I’m starting to loose track :joy:

So I’ll try a streamer factory reset tomorrow after I look up if there is anything I will loose that I need to take photos of. Then I’ll look into alternative leads.

One more thing - you are using the correct output from the ND5XS2 ?


I’m using the one you circled this was a major debate between me and my mum earlier (she is the poor soul who has to shimmy behind everything every time I try anything lol) what I wouldn’t give for telekinesis.

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Good stuff - just wanted to check. Good luck with the troubleshooting :crossed_fingers:

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I appreciate it I managed to confuse myself at one point :joy:

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I’ve messaged the eBay dealer suggesting we put a hold on setting up a collection for now. I really thought I’d done all possible troubleshooting available…should have asked here on Tuesday :joy:

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I just noticed you have a ND5XS2 - I’ve edited my post with the correct photo.

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Sounds like you really need to determine if the ndac is faulty or not.

As Ian suggested, connect something with a digital output to the ndac.

An old cd player via coax would be good, you wouldn’t need to ensure the digital output is working. It should just work.


Sorry to hear you are having a bit of a nightmare at the moment but sleep on it and have a fresh start in the morning, always better after a good nights sleep.
Hopefully you will find the issue especially helped by the combined knowledge that is available from the members on the forum.
Run through the basics first and see how you get on, all the best👍


So if one type of digital input on the dac works they all will? I wasn’t sure if it was each one was separate and you had to try each type.

Not sure if you have this under control or not. I’m another nDAC/ND5xs2 user and I’m happy to share my settings if you need them.

At this point I’m assuming nothing, I think I got the settings right, I based them on previous threads but always nice to double check.

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Like the photo above (post 602) I have my dc1 connected from the nd5xs2 to the nDAC Input Digital Spdif/d #1
I always/only use the #1 button on my nDAC

For the Naim app under
Settings: Output Settings I have Digital BNC and Native set to On.
Settings: Input Settings mine is set to Preamp3(I renamed it to SN3)
Settings: System Automation. (Optional of course) Preamp Type = Classic
Preamp Streamer Input (I renamed mine from Preamp3 to SN3)

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One final thing (and apologies if it’s already been suggested and you’ve tried it) is to power off the Naim DAC, remove the burndy link plug and re-insert it. Make sure it’s properly seated back in its socket before powering the DAC up again.


@EddieB pic from another thread.

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Tried reseating the plug and my settings are right. Going to try to get a different lead to test.


I’m assuming you don’t have any RCA>RCA ‘digital’ cables to hand ?

If you do, there should be a BNC>RCA adapter in the ND5XS2 box which would allow you to connect to the digital output on the ND5XS2 to test if you have a dodgy DC1 cable.

Maybe it was already suggested, but I don’t see. Try to put out the power cable of the Ndac, wait, and connect it again. It’s not a tekie advice, for sure, but sometimes it works.

I have no other cables and even worse since they don’t sell dacs generally neither do my dealers they are sending me some adapters to try.

I know this might sound silly, but have you checked you haven’t inadvertently switched the ND5XS2 output to analogue output. The streamer can only work in digital or analogue mode, it can’t do both at the same time… as the internals need to optimise on what it’s doing.

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